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داعش دے جنگجوآں دیاں ووہٹیاں

آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں

۲۰۱۲ دے آغاز تو‏ں، درجناں کُڑیاں تے سوانیاں نے داعش دے جنگجوواں د‏‏ی دلہن بن کر دولت اسلامیہ عراق و شام (ISIL) وچ شمولیت دے لئی عراق تے شام دا سفر کيتا۔ جدو‏ں کہ کچھ اپنی مرضی تو‏ں سفر کردے سن، دوسرےآں نو‏‏ں انہاں دے والدین یا خاندان دے ذریعہ نابالغاں دے طور اُتے عراق تے شام لیایا جاندا سی۔

انہاں وچو‏ں بہت ساریاں سوانیاں نے بعد وچ اعلیٰ عوامی پروفائلز حاصل کاں، یا تاں اوہ ہور رضاکاراں نو‏‏ں بھرتی کرنے د‏‏ی کوششاں دے ذریعے، جدو‏ں انہاں د‏‏ی موت ہو گئی یا اس وجہ تو‏ں کہ انہاں نے اپنے وطن واپس جانے د‏‏ی خواہش ظاہر کیت‏‏ی۔ مبصرین نے نوٹ کيتا اے کہ مظالم وچ فعال کردار ادا کرنے والی سوانیاں تے گھر وچ رہنے والی گھریلو سوانیاں وچ فرق کرنا مشکل ہوئے گا۔


Women who travelled or attempted to travel to Iraq or Syria to become an ISIL bride
Name Birth
Date of joining Status Home
Fauzia Khamal Bacha 2014 Dead (before 2019)  سنگاپور
Emilie Konig 1984 2012 Held in Roj refugee camp since late 2017[۵]  فرانس
  • Was the subject of a 2012 documentary.[۶]
  • Claims joining ISIS "wrecked her life"
  • Wants to return to France[۵]
Zahera Tariq ۱۹۸۲ ۲۰۱۵ Released from British prison in 2019  برطانیہ
  • Sister-in-law of an ISIL executioner known as "Jihadi Sid"
  • Disappeared in August with her three children, found in Turkey and arrested before she could enter Syria
  • Jailed for three years in 2016 for child abduction[۷]
Aqsa Mahmood 1994 2013 Missing, believed to have died before 2019  برطانیہ
Yusra Hussien ۱۹۹۹ ۲۰۱۴ Missing since 2015  برطانیہ
  • Boarded a flight to Turkey with Samya Dirie
  • Married in 2015
  • Last contact in 2015 with her aunt, missing since[۱۳]
Samya Dirie ۱۹۹۷ ۲۰۱۴ Unknown whereabouts  برطانیہ
  • Boarded a flight to Turkey with 15 year old Yusra Hussein
  • Missing since entering Syria[۱۴]
Nicole Jack ۱۹۸۷ ۲۰۱۵ Held in Roj refugee camp since 2019  برطانیہ
  • Left Britain in 2015 with her husband, Hussein Ali, who threatened to split up the family if she did not come with him[۱۵]
  • Ali died in 2016, and Jack remarried
  • Second husband died in an airstrike, which also killed her 10 year old son
  • Lives in Roj refugee camp with her three daughters, aged 12, 9 and 7
Hoda Muthana 1994 2014 Held in the Al Hawl Camp since ۲۰۱۹  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • Born in America to Yemeni diplomats
  • Started making inflammatory tweets after her first husband was killed in action.[۱۶]
  • Burned her American passport upon arriving in Syria[۱۷]
  • Holds Yemeni citizenship after a US Supreme Court ruled she does not have American citizenship[۱۸]
  • Escaped ISIS with her infant son, surrendered to American troops
Mehdia ۱۹۹۹ ۲۰۱۶ Held in Al Hawl Camp since at least 2020  چین
  • Uyghur woman, taken to Syria by her husband when she was 17
  • Attempted to escape from Al Hawl in 2020, but discovered and sent back
  • Has three children[۱۹]
Ariel Bradley ۱۹۸۵ ۲۰۱۴ Died in an airstrike in 2018  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • American convert who married a Swedish Muslim man she met online[۲۰]
  • Had a daughter with him in 2012, Aminah, who later returned to the US after being orphaned[۲۱]
  • Told her mother in 2014 that the family were going on a "mission trip"
  • Gave birth to a son in 2014, and made inflammatory tweets praising attacks against Americans[۲۲]
  • Killed with her husband and son in an airstrike in 2018
Daniela Greene 1980 2014 Returned to the United States in 2014  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • Greene, a contract linguist with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had been assigned to communicate with Denis Cuspert, a German ISIL recruiter, as part of a covert investigation of his activities.[۲۳][۲۴][۲۵] During these conversations, Greene fell in love with Cuspert and travelled to occupied Syria to marry him.[۲۴][۲۶] Greene later fled Syria after two months, abandoning her husband and Daesh. Upon return to the United States, she was charged with lying to the FBI, later serving a two-year sentence.
Minera Khatun ۱۹۶۲ ۲۰۱۵ Died of natural causes (before 2019)  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Syria with her family of 12 and elderly husband
  • IS released a statement on behalf of the family claiming they'd "never felt safer"[۲۷]
  • Three sons killed while fighting for Islamic State
  • Remaining family members killed in an airstrike in Baghouz[۲۸]
Sheida Khanam ۱۹۸۸ ۲۰۱۵ Died in an airstrike in Baghouz in 2019  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Syria with her family of 12
  • IS released a statement on behalf of the family claiming they'd "never felt safer"[۲۷]
  • Killed along with the rest of her family members in an airstrike in Baghouz[۲۸]
Roshanara Begum ۱۹۹۱ ۲۰۱۵ Died in an airstrike in Baghouz in 2019  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Syria with her family of 12
  • IS released a statement on behalf of the family claiming they'd "never felt safer"[۲۷]
  • Killed along with the rest of her family members in an airstrike in Baghouz[۲۸]
Rajia Khanom ۱۹۹۴ ۲۰۱۵ Died in an airstrike in Baghouz in 2019  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Syria with her family of 12
  • IS released a statement on behalf of the family claiming they'd "never felt safer"[۲۷]
  • Killed along with the rest of her family members in an airstrike in Baghouz[۲۸]
Deqo Osman ۱۹۹۷ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Turkey with three friends and her husband
  • Crossed into Syria with her husband and two of her travelling partners
  • Believed to still be in Syria[۲۹]
Zohura Siddeka ۱۹۸۷ ۲۰۱۴ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Gave birth twice, first child died[۳۰]
  • Part of a large group from Walsall who were recruited by IS

Grace 'Khadijah' Dare

۱۹۹۰ ۲۰۱۲ Unknown, last confirmed alive in 2016[۳۱]  برطانیہ
  • Bought up a Christian, converted to Islam [۳۲]
  • Travelled to Syria with her 4 year old son, Isa, who appeared in an ISIL propaganda video
  • Married a Swedish fighter named Abu Bakr, who has since believed to have been killed. Had two children with him
  • Lived in Manbij, near Aleppo[۳۳]
Salma Halane 1998 2014 Unknown whereabouts, but believed to still be alive  برطانیہ
  • Born to Somali refugees in Denmark, then moved to Manchester, UK
  • Twin sister of Zahra Halane, active in recruiting more volunteers after her arrival in Daesh territory.[۳۴]
  • Married an unknown fighter before being widowed[۳۵]
  • Son reportedly killed in fighting at Baghouz
Zahra Halane 1998 2014 Held in the Roj refugee camp since 2020  برطانیہ
  • Born to Somali refugees in Denmark, then moved to Manchester, UK
  • Twin sister of Salma Halane, active in recruiting more volunteers after her arrival in Daesh territory.[۳۴]
  • Married an unknown fighter before being widowed[۳۵]
  • Has a 5-6 year old son
  • Attempted to escape Al Hol camp in 2020[۳۶]
Tara Nettleton 1983 2013 Died in 2015 from appendix surgery complications  آسٹریلیا
  • Was able to travel to Daesh territory with her husband, Khaled Sharrouf, even though his passport had been cancelled due to an earlier conviction for terrorism.[۳۴]
  • The couple brought their five children with them.
  • Sharrouf and two of their five children died from the same drone attack in 2017.
Zaynab Sharrouf 2001 2013 Repatriated to Australia in 2019  آسٹریلیا
  • Brought to Daesh territory by her parents Tara Nettleton and Khaled Sharrouf at the age of thirteen,[۳۴] at which age she was married to Mohammed Elomar, a jihadi fighter and her father's best friend.[۳۷] On June 24, 2019, it was reported she had been repatriated to Australia, also rescued with her two children, age 2 and 3.[۳۸]
  • Later gave birth in 2019 to a child fathered by her second husband, his fate is unknown[۳۹]
Zehra Duman 1993 2014 Held in al-Hawl camp since ۲۰۱۹  آسٹریلیا
  • Left Australia to marry Mahmoud Abdullatif, a Melbourne-born ISIS fighter
  • Served as a recruiter following her arrival in Daesh territory.[۳۴]
  • Australian citizenship revoked in 2019, believed to hold Turkish citizenship[۴۰]
  • Has two children, born in Syria in 2016 and 2018
  • Now lives in Turkey as a free woman
Shams / Umm al Baraa / Bird of Jannah 1988 2014 Unknown, last social media update in 2015 سانچہ:MYS
  • Shams was a medical doctor.[۳۴]
  • Married an ISIS fighter called Abu al-Baraa in 2014
  • Gave birth in 2015
  • Published poetry, ran Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr accounts
Gailon Su ۱۹۷۲ ۲۰۱۴ Held in Al Hol since 2015 سانچہ:TTO
  • Former Miss Longdenville, converted to Islam in 2014[۴۱]
  • Captured in 2015, held in Al Hol since[۴۲]
  • Married four men while in Syria, divorcing twice
  • Son captured while fighting, he is being held in detention in Syria[۴۳]
Kimberly Gwen Polman ۱۹۷۲ ۲۰۱۵ Held in the Al Hawl Camp since 2019  کینیڈا/ ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • Studied legal administration in Canada before leaving for ISIS
  • Was told by the man she went on to marry, Abu Aymen, that her nursing skills were needed in the caliphate.
  • Burned American passport upon entering Syria[۱۷]
  • Describes first trying to defect after being in Daesh for a year, only to be captured, imprisoned, tortured, and raped.[۴۴]
  • Attempted to escape in 2016, but was captured and imprisoned in Raqqa
Shadi Jabar Khalil Mohammad ۱۹۹۴ ۲۰۱۵ Died from an air strike in Al-Bab in 2016[۴۵]  آسٹریلیا
  • Sister of Farhad Jabar, the perpetrator of the 2015 Parramatta shooting[۴۶]
  • Believed to have worked as an recruiter alongside her husband
  • Groomed Safaa Boular, who attempted to travel to Syria with her mother and sister, before planning an attack on the British Museum[۴۷]
Reema Iqbal 1990 2013 Held in Roj camp  برطانیہ
  • Married an ISIS fighter, Celso Da Costa[۴۸]
  • "The security services came to speak to me and I was honest, I told them my whole story so now it's up to them to judge."[۴۹]
  • Believed to have Pakistani citizenship[۵۰]
  • Stripped of UK citizenship in early March, 2019.[۵۱][۵۲][۵۳][۵۴]
Zara Iqbal 1992 2013 Held in an unknown refugee camp  برطانیہ
  • Husband killed on an unspecified date[۴۸]
  • Stripped of UK citizenship in early March, 2019.[۵۱][۵۲][۵۳][۵۴]
  • Children believed to have British citizenship
Natalie Bracht 2013 Returned to Germany, before being repatriated to the United Kingdom in 2020  برطانیہ
  • Holds joint British and German citizenship
  • Reported to have been an associate of Zara Iqbal, Reema Iqbal, Natalie Bracht, and Ruzina Khanam.[۵۳][۵۵]
  • Reportedly has nine children
  • Claims to have never been to Syria[۵۶]
  • Currently lives in a squat near Heathrow, UK. Arrested in 2020 for taking part in an Extinction Rebellion protest[۵۷]
Ruzina Khanam 1992 2013 Missing, last confirmed alive in Raqqa in 2019[۵۸]  برطانیہ
  • Joined ISIL to marry Fabio Pocas, who produced and released execution videos
  • Took her one year old daughter, Noor
  • Reported to have been an associate of Zara Iqbal, Reema Iqbal, Natalie Bracht, and Maylbongwe Sibanda.[۵۳][۵۵]
Maylbongwe Sibanda 2013 Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Daughter of a Christian nurse
  • Reported to have been an associate of Zara Iqbal, Reema Iqbal, Ruzina Khanam, and Natalie Bracht.[۵۳][۵۵]
Farzana Ameen ۱۹۷۵ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Travelled to Turkey with her husband and her 5 children on a one-way ticket
  • Believed to have entered Syria[۵۹]
Khadija Bibi Dawood ۱۹۸۵ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Travelled with her two sisters to Syria to join their fighter brother[۶۰]
  • Left husband behind in Bradford, UK [۶۱]
  • Took her two children, aged 5 and 7, with her to Syria
Sugra Dawood ۱۹۸۱ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Travelled with her two sisters to Syria to join their fighter brother
  • Left husband behind in Bradford, UK [۶۱]
  • Took her five children, aged between 15 and 3, with her to Syria
Zohra Dawood ۱۹۸۲ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown  برطانیہ
  • Travelled with her two sisters to Syria to join their fighter brother
  • Left husband behind in Bradford, UK [۶۱]
  • Took her two children, aged 5 and 8, with her to Syria
  • Contacted her family to inform them she was in Syria
Jamila Henry ۱۹۹۳ ۲۰۱۵ Unknown, but living in the United Kingdom  برطانیہ
  • Admitted to living for six months in Raqqa with her two year old son
  • Returned to London, but travelled back to Syria four months later as she "missed her friends"
  • Stole her twin sister's passport in an attempt to travel back to Syria again, but was arrested[۶۲]
  • Spared jail in 2015 [۶۳]
Leonora Messing 2000 2015 Repatriated to Germany in December 2020  جرمنی
  • Reported to have wed a jihadi at just 15 years old.[۵۵]
  • Asked her father to be smuggled out after six months, imprisoned twice by ISIL for attempting to escape[۶۴]
  • Has two children by her German ISIL fighter husband
  • Released from pre-trial detention in 2021[۶۵]
Jennifer Wenisch ۱۹۹۱ Before 2015 Sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in Germany  جرمنی
  • Arrested in Turkey in 2016, placed on trial for genocide after allowing a Yazidi slave to die of thirst
  • Lived in Raqqa and Iraq with her husband, Taha al-Jumailly[۶۶]
  • Reportedly a member of the Al-Khansaa Brigade[۶۷]
Djamila Boutoutaou ۱۹۹۰ ۲۰۱۴ Sentenced to life imprisonment in Iraq[۶۸]  فرانس
  • Travelled to Iraq with her husband Mohammed Nassereddine and their two children in 2014
  • Husband killed in 2016, son died in 2017
  • Captured and sent to Baghdad with her daughter
  • Placed on trial by Iraqi authorities and sentenced to life imprisonment[۱۱]
Hayat Boumeddiene 1988 2015 Missing since 2015, possibly being held in Al-Hawl refugee camp[۶۹]  فرانس
  • Widow of Amedy Coulibaly
  • May have been killed in Syria, early in 2019.[۷۰]
  • Convicted in absentia of financing terrorism and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment[۷۱]
Shamima Begum 1999 2015 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp since 2019[۶۴]  برطانیہ
  • Part of the Bethnal Green trio, a group of schoolgirls who joined ISIL[۷۲][۵۵]
  • Had British citizenship revoked in 2019, barred from re-entering the UK as a "national security risk"[۷۳]
  • Had three children, all deceased[۷۴]
  • Married a Dutch IS fighter upon entering Syria[۷۵]
Amira Abase 2001 2015 Missing, last confirmed alive in Baghuz in 2019  برطانیہ
Kadiza Sultana 2000 2015 Died in an airstrike in Raqqa in 2016[۴۹]  برطانیہ
  • Part of the Bethnal Green trio, a group of schoolgirls who joined ISIL[۷۲][۵۵]
  • Believed to have married an American IS fighter before her death
  • Became disillusioned while living in Raqqa and was attempting to leave, but gave up on her attempts following the death of Samra Kesinovc.[۷۷]
  • Rumours of her survival exist, but Shamima Begum believes she is dead[۱۱]
Nassima Begum 1990 2012 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp  برطانیہ
  • Said she had no choice when her husband insisted they move to an Islamic country.[۷۹]
  • Brought her four children with her
Sharmeena Begum 1999 2014 Missing, last confirmed alive in Baghuz in 2019  برطانیہ
  • Followed by the Bethnal Green trio two months after
  • Married a Bosnian fighter
  • Last confirmed alive two weeks after entering Syria[۸۰]
  • In February 2019 she was described as "missing".[۷۶]
Sally Jones 1968 2013 Killed by a drone strike in 2017[۸۱]  برطانیہ
  • Took one of her two sons (Jojo) to Syria and commonly used him as a human shield
  • Married to Junaid Hussain, a computer hacker working for ISIL[۸۲]
  • Given the nickname "White Widow" following her husband's death in 2015
  • Regularly posted U.S servicemen's personal details on Twitter
  • "Reportedly placed on a special-forces سانچہ:'kill listسانچہ:' after threatening Queen Elizabeth II".[۸۳]
  • Placed in charge of the Anwar al-Awlaki Brigade following her husband's death
  • Believed to have been killed while attempting to escape Raqqa,[۸۴] but rumours of her survival have spread amongst ISIL brides
Fatiha Mejjati 1961 2014 Believed to be hiding in Idlib as of 2020  مراکش
  • Formerly trained by Al-Qaeda[۸۵]
  • Commanded "the Islamic State's Al-Khansaa Brigade, an all-female detachment that polices the group's strictures against wearing makeup or showing bare skin."[۸۶]
  • Escaped Al-Hawl refugee camp in 2020[۸۷]
Zagidat Abakarova ۱۹۸۵ Repatriated to Russia in 2017, given a suspended sentence  روس
  • Brought to Syria by her husband, bringing her two children with her
  • Russian officials believe she was held in Syria by her husband involuntarily[۸۸]
  • Had another child in Syria
  • Returned to Dagestan in 2017, allowed to serve a suspended sentence to take care of her children[۸۹]
Zalina Gabibulayeva ۱۹۸۱ ۲۰۱۴ Repatriated to Russia in 2017, given a suspended sentence
  • Entered Syria as a single woman in 2014
  • First husband fought in the Chechen Insurgency, the family lived in Grozny before Gabibulayeva was widowed in 2010
  • Settled in Tabqa, Syria – married quickly
  • Third husband killed in a drone strike after a year, smuggled out of Syria with her fourth husband in 2017
  • Gave birth to her fifth child in Al-Hawl in 2017, spent four months in the camp after her husband deported to Macedonia and imprisoned
  • Repatriated to Dagestan, but has returned to Chechnya[۹۰][۹۱]
  • Now teaches the dangers of extremism in Chechen schools[۹۲]
Linda Wenzel 2001 2016 Serving a 6 year prison sentence in Iraq  جرمنی
  • Nicknamed the "Belle of Mosul"[۷۷]
  • Joined ISIL at the age of 15, married to a Chechen fighter who was later killed
  • Reportedly served as a sniper[۹۳]
  • Believed to have been part of the Al-Khansaa Brigade[۹۴]
  • Captured in Mosul in 2017
"ISIL wife Sanna" 1972 2014–2015 Repatriated to Finland in ۲۰۲۰  فن لینڈ
  • A Finnish woman, called "ISIL wife Sanna" (سانچہ:Lang-fi) by Finnish media, emigrated from Kotka, Finland, to an ISIL-controlled area in Syria with her Moroccan husband.
  • She had converted to Islam in 2004–2005, and she is accompanied by her four underage children, of whom the eldest, a daughter born in 2005–2006, was married in Syria.
  • During the fall of ISIL in 2019, Sanna was interviewed by CNN near the Iraqi border in eastern Syria. بمطابق

۶ مارچ ۲۰۱۹ء (۲۰۱۹ء-03-۰۶)مارچ 2019|, she was in a refugee camp and wanted to return to Finland.

  • After the interview was published on 6 March 2019, Sanna's story was widely covered by Finnish media, starting a public discussion in Finland on possible return of Finnish citizens who emigrated to the ISIL war zone in Iraq and Syria.
  • With the help of Finnish authorities, she later was returned from the al-Hawl refugee camp to Finland with four children with her. Also a Finnish-Somali woman returned to Finland with two of her children on the same flight.[۹۵]
  • According to the Finnish Security Intelligence Service, some 80 identified Finnish citizens (of whom, about 20 are women and around 30 are children) have travelled to the area; about 20 of them had died and around 20 had returned by March 2019.[۹۶][۹۷][۹۸] As of December 2020, 6 Finnish women and 21 children of the total of 11 women and about 30 children in the al-Hawl refugee camp have returned to Finland.[۹۵]
Sabina Selimovic ۱۹۹۹ ۲۰۱۴ Killed in unclear circumstances in 2014  آسٹریا
  • Reported to be pregnant, married and living in Raqqa in 2014[۹۹]
  • Reported to have died in 2014[۱۰۰]
  • Two children sent to live with Selimovic's mother following her death
Samra Kesinovic ۱۹۹۷ ۲۰۱۴ Killed after attempting to escape in 2015  آسٹریا
  • Used as a sex slave upon entering Syria[۱۰۱]
  • Reported to be pregnant, married and living in Raqqa in 2014[۹۹]
  • Reported to have been beaten to death attempting to escape in 2015[۱۰۲]
Shayma Assaad 2000 2015 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp since 2019  آسٹریلیا
  • Aged 15 when brought to Syria by her parents supposedly to search for her brothers[۱۰۳]
  • Married to another Australian IS fighter
  • Was pregnant when she made her way to the Al-Hawl refugee camp in 2019.[۱۰۴]
Kirsty Rosse-Emile 1995 2014 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp since 2019  آسٹریلیا
  • Brought to Syria by her "much older husband"[۱۰۳]
  • Claims to have known very little, and stayed in her home
  • Present at Baghouz
  • Was pregnant when she made her way to the Al-Hawl refugee camp in 2019.[۱۰۴] Later gave birth, and now has two children.
  • Made provocative social media posts.[۱۰۵]
Janai Safar 1996 2015 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp since 2017  آسٹریلیا
  • Unlike many other Brides, Safar does not want to be repatriated.[۱۰۶][۱۰۷]
  • Vowed "never to return" to Australia, as she did not want her son to grow up in a non-Islamic country [۱۰۸]
  • Has denied that her husband was a senior Daesh official.[حوالہ درکار]
  • Her family disputes she professed continued support for Daesh.[۱۰۹]
Aylam 2015 Believed to have been killed in "a bombing"  آسٹریلیا
  • Captured after escaping Raqqa, then exchanged and sent back to IS
  • Husband faces death penalty in Baghdad
  • Cousin and travelling companion to Janai Safar.[۱۱۰]
Lisa Smith ۱۹۸۱ ۲۰۱۵ Returned to Ireland in 2019  آئرلینڈ
  • Formerly a soldier in the Irish army.[۱۱۱]
  • Married four times
  • Irish security officials believe she was not an active member of Daesh and was no more than a sympathizer.[۱۱۲]
  • Returned to Ireland and arrested for being a member of IS, set to go on trial in 2022[۱۱۳]
Dullel Kassab 1985 2014 Killed in an airstrike in Syria before 2020  آسٹریلیا
  • Her father says she only travelled to Daesh-occupied Syria to find out what happened to her late husband.[۱۱۴] Her family claims that once she arrived in Daesh territory, she was forced into marriage with a jihadi fighter.
  • Once married to a jihadi fighter, she made social media posts that seemed to support the Daesh regime.[۱۱۵]
  • She has criticied Daesh's inability to provide health care, including pre-natal and obstetrics care.[۱۱۶]
  • Reportedly killed in an airstrike with her children at some point before 2020[۱۱۷]
Nûh Suwaidi 1995 Currently on trial in Iraq  جرمنی
  • Moved to ISIL territory with her husband, and bore three children there.[۱۱۸]
  • Claims her husband made all their decisions, and did not know where they were living.[۱۱۸]
  • Attempted to leave after her husband was killed, but could not access money or documentation[۱۱۹]
  • Currently on trial, and may face the death penalty[۱۲۰]
Nora Camali 2015 Held in an unknown Iraqi prison  برطانیہ
  • Went to Syria with friends to "hunt a husband"[۱۱۹]
  • Fell pregnant, husband died shortly after
  • Sentenced to life in prison, daughter sent to live with British relatives
Mariam Dabboussy 1992 2015 Held in Al-Roj camp since ۲۰۱۹  آسٹریلیا
  • Dabboussy says her husband tricked her into traveling to the Turkish-Syrian border with a claim they were going to help one of his relatives escape Syria, only to force her to cross the border, at gunpoint.[۱۲۱][۱۰۹]
  • Had three children, forced to remarry twice after her first husband's death[۱۲۲]
  • Attempted to escape twice, present at the Battle of Baghuz Fawqani[۱۲۳]
Nesrine Zahab 1994 2014 Held in Al-Hawl refugee camp since 2017  آسٹریلیا
  • Claims she was tricked into Daesh territory by her cousin when she thought she was merely delivering emergency food supplies to the border.[۱۲۴]
  • Sent to a single woman's house and forced to marry[۱۲۳]
  • Attempted to escape, but was caught and her husband placed on Iraqi death row[۱۲۵]
Zara Ahmed Unknown, held in Al-Hawl refugee camp  آسٹریلیا
  • Ahmed said refugee women who remain radicalized are murdering other camp occupants they see as apostates.[۱۲۶]
Zahra Ahmad Unknown whereabouts  آسٹریلیا
Amandine Le Coz 1990 2014 Repatriated to France by Turkey in 2019  فرانس
  • Grew up in a Paris suburb
  • Joined ISIL with her husband[۱۲۸]
  • Gave birth to a son in ISIL territory.[۱۲۹]
Hafsa Sliti 1988 2015 Held in Al-Roj refugee camp since 2018  بیلجیم
  • Hafsa's father, Amor Sliti, took her mother, Hafsa, and her four younger siblings to Afghanistan, in 2000.[۱۳۰] Her mother, Christine Volcke, fled, leaving Hafsa and her siblings with her father. Her father agreed to marry her to a member of the Taliban, when she was just 13 years old, and she bore him a child. After the American invasion of Afghanistan, in the fall of 2001, her husband ended up in the Guantanamo detention camp, and Hafsa, her father and her siblings ended up in an Iranian refugee camp. They were deported back to Belgium in February 2002. Hafsa and her siblings were put in the care of Volcke, her mother, while her father was tried and convicted of terrorism charges.
  • Her father was stripped of Belgian citizenship, and deported to Tunisia in 2010.[۱۳۰] He traveled to the newly established Islamic State, Daesh, where he worked in the tax department. Hafsa joined him, in 2015. She married a jihadi fighter, and bore another child. She says that by 2017 she and her father had grown disillusioned with the brutality and corruption of the Daesh regime. She says they made three escape attempts, and that her father was shot and killed on the third attempt.
  • Hafsa says she is not a threat, and would prefer to be repatriated to Belgium, with her children, even if it meant serving a prison sentence.[۱۳۰] She was given a five year sentence in Belgium, despite still being in Syria.[۱۳۱]
Samantha Marie Elhassani 1985 2014 Repatriated to the United States in 2018, currently in prison  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • Known as Samantha Sally
  • Claims she was forced to go to Syria by her husband to protect her daughter and son[۱۳۲]
  • Jailed within ISIS for three months for attempting to escape
  • Later went on to have two more children with her ISIL fighter husband
  • One of 27 Americans repatriated to face charges in the USA.[۱۳۳] In 2020, she was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison.[۱۳۴]
Suhayra Aden 1995 2014 Repatriated to New Zealand in 2021  آسٹریلیا/ نیوزی لینڈ
  • Aden is a New Zealander and former dual Australian citizen who travelled to Syria in 2014 to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
  • She was later found in Al-Hawl refugee camp, expressing a desire to return to Australia[۱۳۵]
  • Due to her ties to ISIL, she was stripped of her Australian citizenship in 2020, which created friction in Australia-New Zealand relations.[۱۳۶]
  • In February 2021, she was detained by Turkish authorities while trying to enter the country with her two children.[۱۳۷][۱۳۸][۱۳۹] The Turkish Government subsequently dropped charges against her and began proceedings to deport her.[۱۴۰]
  • In late Jul 2021, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that the New Zealand Government would repatriate Aden and her children on the basis of their New Zealand citizenship.[۱۴۱] She and her children arrived in New Zealand on mid–August 2021.[۱۴۲]
Tareena Shakil ۱۹۸۹ ۲۰۱۴ Released from prison in 2021  برطانیہ
  • Radicalised online by Sally-Anne Jones and Aqsa Mahmood
  • Travelled to Syria with her 18-month old son, fleeing domestic abuse from her British partner[۱۴۳]
  • Settled in Raqqa and lived in a house for unmarried women, refused to marry twice and so left after 3 months
  • Returned to the UK, jailed for six years and ordered to complete a de-radicalisation program[۱۴۴]
Shannon Maureen Conley ۱۹۹۶ ۲۰۱۴ Released from prison in 2019  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
  • Groomed at the age of 19 by ISIS members in Syria, fell in love with a Tunisian fighter
  • Converted to Islam and attempted to board a plane from Denver to Turkey
  • Captured by the FBI, sentenced to five years imprisonment[۱۴۵]
Jaelyn Delshaun Young ۱۹۹۴ ۲۰۱۵ Held in an American federal prison since 2016  ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ
Ugbad Sadiq ۱۹۹۷ ۲۰۱۳ unknown  ناروے
  • Traveled from Kolsås, Norway to Syria with her sister[۱۴۶]
  • Their story is told in the book Two Sisters by Asne Seierstad[۱۴۷]
Rahma Sadiq ۱۹۹۴ ۲۰۱۳ unknown  ناروے
  • Traveled from Kolsås, Norway to Syria with her sister [۱۴۶]
  • Their story is told in the book Two Sisters by Asne Seierstad[۱۴۷]


فی ملک داعش د‏‏ی دلہناں۔
ملک # [lower-alpha 1]
 برطانیہ</img> برطانیہ ۱۵
 آسٹریلیا</img> آسٹریلیا ۱۳
 جرمنی</img> جرمنی ۴
 ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ</img> ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ ۶
 فرانس</img> فرانس ۳
 بیلجیم</img> بیلجیم ۱
 کینیڈا</img> کینیڈا ۱
 فن لینڈ</img> فن لینڈ ۱
 آئرلینڈ</img> آئرلینڈ ۱
</img> ملائیشیا ۱
 مراکش</img> مراکش ۱
</img> سنگاپور ۱
</img> نیوزی لینڈ ۱




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