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عہد نامہ قدیم دیاں کتاباں

آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں

عہد نامہ قدیم د‏‏ی کتاباں تو‏ں مراد اوہ تمام کتاباں تے صحائف نيں جو عہد نامہ قدیم شامل نيں۔ عہد نامہ قدیم وچ حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام تو‏ں پہلے د‏‏ی اوہ کتاباں جو مختلف انبیا تو‏ں منسوب نيں تے عہد نامہ جدید، وچ انجیل تے حواریاں تے سینٹ پال تو‏ں منسوب خطوط وغیرہ نيں۔

کتاباں عبرانی عہد نامہ قدیم


Empty table cells indicate that a book is absent from that canon.

(یہودی بائبل)
(24 کتاباں)[۱]
Books in bold are part of the کتبیم
عہد نامہ قدیم
(39 کتاباں)
عہد نامہ قدیم
(46 کتاباں)
راسخ الاعتقاد کلیسیا
Old Testament
(51 books)
Original language
Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses
Bereishit Genesis Genesis Genesis عبرانی
Shemot Exodus Exodus Exodus عبرانی
Vayikra Leviticus Leviticus Leviticus عبرانی
Bamidbar Numbers Numbers Numbers عبرانی
Devarim Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy عبرانی
نبییم (Prophets)
Yehoshua Joshua Joshua (Josue) Joshua (Iesous) عبرانی
Shofetim Judges Judges Judges Hebrew
Rut (Ruth)[۲] Ruth Ruth Ruth Hebrew
Shemuel 1 Samuel 1 Samuel (1 Kings)[۳] 1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)[۴] Hebrew
2 Samuel 2 Samuel (2 Kings)[۳] 2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms)[۴] Hebrew
Melakhim 1 Kings 1 Kings (3 Kings)[۳] 1 Kings (3 Kingdoms)[۴] Hebrew
2 Kings 2 Kings (4 Kings)[۳] 2 Kings (4 Kingdoms)[۴] Hebrew
Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles)[۲] 1 Chronicles 1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon) 1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon) Hebrew
2 Chronicles 2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon) 2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon) Hebrew
1 ایسدرس Hebrew
Ezra-Nehemiah[۲] Ezra Ezra (1 Esdras) Ezra (2 Esdras)[۴][۵] Hebrew and Aramaic
Nehemiah Nehemiah (2 Esdras) Nehemiah (2 Esdras)[۴][۵] Hebrew
کتاب طوبیاہ کتاب طوبیاہ Aramaic (and Hebrew?)
یہودیت د‏‏ی کتاب یہودیت د‏‏ی کتاب Hebrew
Esther[۲] Esther Esther[۶] Esther[۶] Hebrew
1 Maccabees (1 Machabees)[۷] 1 Maccabees Hebrew
2 Maccabees (2 Machabees)[۷] 2 Maccabees Greek
3 Maccabees Greek
4 Maccabees[۸] Greek
کتبیم (Writings) Wisdom books
Iyov (Job)[۲] Job Job Job Hebrew
Tehillim (Psalms)[۲] کتاب زبور کتاب زبور کتاب زبور[۹] Hebrew
منسی د‏‏ی دعا Greek
Mishlei (Proverbs)[۲] Proverbs Proverbs Proverbs Hebrew
Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes)[۲] کتاب واعظ کتاب واعظ کتاب واعظ Hebrew
Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)[۲] غزل الغزلات Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles) Song of Songs (Aisma Aismaton) Hebrew
حکمت د‏‏ی کتاب حکمت د‏‏ی کتاب Greek
کتاب یشوع بن سیراخ کتاب یشوع بن سیراخ Hebrew
نبییم (Latter Prophets) Major prophets
Yeshayahu Isaiah Isaiah (Isaias) Isaiah Hebrew
Yirmeyahu Jeremiah Jeremiah (Jeremias) Jeremiah Hebrew and Aramaic
Eikhah (Lamentations)[۲] Lamentations Lamentations Lamentations Hebrew
کتاب باروک[۱۰] کتاب باروک[۱۰] Hebrew[۱۱]
Letter of Jeremiah[۱۲] Greek (majority view)[۱۳]
Yekhezqel Ezekiel Ezekiel (Ezechiel) Ezekiel Hebrew
Daniel[۲] Daniel Daniel[۱۴] Daniel[۱۴] Hebrew and Aramaic
انبیائے صغریٰ
انبیائے صغریٰ
Trei Asar
Hosea Hosea (Osee) Hosea Hebrew
Joel Joel Joel Hebrew
Amos Amos Amos Hebrew
Obadiah Obadiah (Abdias) Obadiah Hebrew
Jonah Jonah (Jonas) Jonah Hebrew
Micah Micah (Micheas) Micah Hebrew
Nahum Nahum Nahum Hebrew
Habakkuk Habakkuk (Habacuc) Habakkuk Hebrew
Zephaniah Zephaniah (Sophonias) Zephaniah Hebrew
Haggai Haggai (Aggeus) Haggai Hebrew
Zechariah Zechariah (Zacharias) Zechariah Hebrew
Malachi Malachi (Malachias) Malachi Hebrew

Several of the books in the Eastern Orthodox canon are also found in the appendix to the Latin Vulgate, formerly the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.

Books in the Appendix to the Vulgate Bible
Name in Vulgate
Name in Eastern Orthodox use
3 Esdras 1 ایسدرس
4 Esdras
منسی د‏‏ی دعا منسی د‏‏ی دعا
Psalm of David when he slew Goliath (Psalm 151) Psalm 151

ہور ویکھو



  1. The 24 books of the عبرانیBible are the same as the 39 books of the Protestant Old Testament, only divided and ordered differently: the books of the Minor Prophets are in Christian Bibles twelve different books, and in عبرانیBibles, one book called "The Twelve". Likewise, Christian Bibles divide the Books of Kingdoms into four books, either 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings or 1-4 Kings: Jewish Bibles divide these into two books. The Jews likewise keep 1-2 Chronicles/Paralipomenon as one book. Ezra and Nehemiah are likewise combined in the Jewish Bible, as they are in many Orthodox Bibles, instead of divided into two books, as per the Catholic and Protestant tradition.
  2. ۲.۰۰ ۲.۰۱ ۲.۰۲ ۲.۰۳ ۲.۰۴ ۲.۰۵ ۲.۰۶ ۲.۰۷ ۲.۰۸ ۲.۰۹ ۲.۱۰ This book is part of the کتبیم, the third section of the Jewish canon. They have a different order in Jewish canon than in Christian canon.
  3. ۳.۰ ۳.۱ ۳.۲ ۳.۳ The books of Samuel and Kings are often called First through Fourth Kings in the Catholic tradition, much like the Orthodox.
  4. ۴.۰ ۴.۱ ۴.۲ ۴.۳ ۴.۴ ۴.۵ Names in parentheses are the Septuagint names and are often used by the Orthodox Christians.
  5. ۵.۰ ۵.۱ Some Eastern Orthodox churches follow the ہفتادی ترجمہ and the Hebrew bibles by considering the books of Ezra and Nehemiah as one book.
  6. ۶.۰ ۶.۱ The Catholic and Orthodox Book of Esther includes 103 verses not in the Protestant Book of Esther.
  7. ۷.۰ ۷.۱ The ولگاندا, Douay-Rheims, and Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition place First and Second Maccabees after Malachi; other Catholic translations place them after Esther.
  8. In Greek Bibles, 4 Maccabees is found in the appendix.
  9. Eastern Orthodox churches include Psalm 151 and the منسی د‏‏ی دعا, not present in all canons.
  10. ۱۰.۰ ۱۰.۱ In Catholic Bibles, Baruch includes a sixth chapter called the Letter of Jeremiah. Baruch is not in the Protestant Bible or the Tanakh.
  11. Britannica 1911
  12. Eastern Orthodox Bibles have the books of Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah separate.
  13. Hebrew (minority view); see Letter of Jeremiah for details.
  14. ۱۴.۰ ۱۴.۱ In Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, Daniel includes three sections not included in Protestant Bibles. The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children are included between Daniel 3:23-24. سوسن (دانی ایل د‏‏ی کتاب) is included as Daniel 13. بعل تے اژدہا is included as Daniel 14. These are not in the Protestant Old Testament.

سانچہ:مسیحیت اساس

سانچہ:عہد نامہ قدیم دی گم شدہ کتاباں

