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لسٹ قومی پرندے

آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں

ایہ لِسٹ قومی پرندے (List of national birds) ا‏‏ے۔

قومی پرندے

ملک نام پرندہ سائنسی نام سرکاری حیثیت تصویر حوالہ
 افغانستان سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 انڈورا Bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 انگولا Red-crested turaco Tauraco erythrolophus ہاں [۱]
 اینگویلا Zenaida dove Zenaida aurita ہاں [۲]
 انٹیگوا تے باربودا Magnificent frigatebird Fregata magnificens ہاں [۳]
 ارجنٹائن Rufous hornero Furnarius rufus ہاں [۴]
 آسٹریلیا Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae نئیں [۵]
 آسٹریا Barn swallow Hirundo rustica ہاں [۶]
 بہاماس American flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber ہاں [۷]
 بحرین ہمالی بلبل Pycnonotus leucogenys ہاں [۸]
 بنگلہ دیش Oriental magpie-robin Copsychus saularis ہاں [۹]
 بیلاروس White stork Ciconia ciconia ہاں [۱۰]
 بیلجیم Common kestrel Falco tinnunculus ہاں [۱۱]
 بیلیز Keel-billed toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus ہاں [۱۲]
 برمودا Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow نئیں [۱۳]
 بھوٹان Common raven Corvus corax ہاں [۱۴]
 بولیویا Andean condor Vultur gryphus ہاں [۱۵]
 بوٹسوانا Lilac-breasted roller Coracias caudatus ہاں [۱۶]
 برازیل Rufous-bellied thrush Turdus rufiventris ہاں [۱۷]
 برطانوی ورجن جزیرے Mourning dove Zenaida macroura ہاں [۱۸]
 کمبوڈیا Giant ibis Thaumatibis gigantea ہاں [۱۹]
 کینیڈا None. See list of Canadian provincial and territorial birds نئیں [۲۰]
 کیپ وردی Grey-headed kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
[[File:|23x15px|border |alt=|link=]] کیمین جزیرے Grand Cayman parrot Amazona leucocephala caymanensis ہاں [۲۱]
 چلی Andean condor Vultur gryphus ہاں [۲۲]
 چین Red-crowned crane Grus japonensis نئیں [۲۳][۲۴]
Eurasian tree sparrow P. montanus نئیں [۲۵]
 کولمبیا Andean condor Vultur gryphus ہاں [۲۶]
 کوسٹاریکا Clay-colored thrush Turdus grayi ہاں [۲۷]
 آئیوری کوسٹ White-cheeked turaco Tauraco leucotis ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 کروشیا Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos نئیں [۲۸]
 کیوبا Cuban trogon Priotelus temnurus ہاں [۲۹]
 جمہوریہ کانگو Congo peafowl Afropavo congensis نئیں فائل:Kongopfau.jpg [حوالہ درکار]
 ڈنمارک Mute swan Cygnus olor ہاں [۳۰]
 ڈومینیکا Imperial amazon Amazona imperialis ہاں [۳۱]
 جمہوریہ ڈومینیکن Palmchat Dulus dominicus ہاں [۳۲]
 ایکواڈور Andean condor Vultur gryphus ہاں [۳۳]
 مصر سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 ایل سیلواڈور Turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosa ہاں [۳۴]
 اسٹونیا Barn swallow Hirundo rustica ہاں [۳۵]
 فارو جزیرے Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus ہاں [۳۶]
 فن لینڈ چیختا راج ہنس Cygnus cygnus ہاں [۳۷]
 فرانس Gallic rooster Gallus gallus ہاں [۳۸]
 جرمنی سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos ہاں [۳۹]
 جبل الطارق Barbary partridge Alectoris barbara ہاں [۴۰]
 یونان Little owl Athene noctua ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 گریناڈا Grenada dove Leptotila wellsi ہاں [۴۱]
 گواتیمالا Resplendent quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno ہاں [۴۲]
 گیانا Hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin ہاں [۴۳]
 ہیٹی Hispaniolan trogon Priotelus roseigaster ہاں [۴۴]
 ہونڈوراس قرمزی مکاؤ Ara macao ہاں [۴۵]
 ہنگری Saker falcon Falco cherrug ہاں [۴۶]
 آئس لینڈ Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus ہاں [۴۷]
 بھارت ہندوستانی مور Pavo cristatus ہاں [۴۸]
 انڈونیشیا Javan hawk-eagle Nisaetus bartelsi ہاں [۴۹]
 آئرلینڈ None
 ایران Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos ہاں [حوالہ درکار][۵۰]
 عراق چکور Alectoris chukar ہاں [۵۱]
 اسرائیل ہد ہد Upupa epops ہاں [۵۲]
 اٹلی سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos نئیں [۵۳]
 جمیکا Doctor bird Trochilus polytmus ہاں [۵۴]
 جاپان Green pheasant Phasianus versicolor ہاں [۵۵]
 اردن Sinai rosefinch Carpodacus synoicus ہاں [۵۶]
 کینیا Lilac-breasted roller Coracias caudatus نئیں [۵۷]
 لیٹویا White wagtail Motacilla alba ہاں [۵۸]
 لائبیریا Garden bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus ہاں [۵۶]
 لتھوانیا White stork Ciconia ciconia ہاں [۵۹]
 لکسمبرگ Goldcrest Regulus regulus ہاں [۶۰]
 ملاوی Bar-tailed trogon Apaloderma vittatum ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 ملائشیا Rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinoceros ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 مالدیپ Oriental turtle dove Streptopelia orientalis نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 مالٹا Blue rock thrush Monticola solitarius ہاں [۶۱]
 موریشس ڈو ڈو Raphus cucullatus ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 میکسیکو Northern crested caracara Caracara cheriway ہاں [۶۲]
سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos ہاں [۶۳]
 منگولیا Saker falcon Falco cherrug ہاں [۶۴]
 مونتسرات Montserrat oriole Icterus oberi ہاں [۶۵]
 برما Grey peacock-pheasant Polyplectron bicalcaratum نئیں [۶۶]
 نمیبیا African fish eagle Haliaeetus vocifer ہاں [۶۷][۶۸]
 نیپال Himalayan monal Lophophorus impejanus ہاں [۶۹]
 نیوزی لینڈ کیوی Apteryx mantelli نئیں [۷۰]
 نکاراگوا Turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosa ہاں [۷۱]
 نائیجیریا Black crowned crane Balearica pavonina ہاں [۷۲]
 ناروے White-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus ہاں [۷۳]
 پاکستان چکور Alectoris chukar ہاں [۷۴]
شاہین Falco peregrinus peregrinator سانچہ:Unofficial [۷۵]
 فلسطین claimed by Israel Palestine sunbird Cinnyris oseus Proposed [۷۶]
 پاناما Harpy eagle Harpia harpyja ہاں [۷۷]
 پاپوا نیو گنی Raggiana bird of paradise Paradisaea raggiana ہاں [۷۸]
 پیراگوئے Bare-throated bellbird Procnias nudicollis ہاں [۷۹]
 پیرو Andean cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruvianus ہاں [۸۰]
 فلپائن Philippine eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi ہاں [۸۱]
 پورٹو ریکو Puerto Rican spindalis Spindalis Portoricensis ہاں [۸۲]
 رومانیہ Great white pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 روس Tundra swan Cygnus columbianus نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 سینٹ ہلینا Saint Helena plover Charadrius sanctaehelenae ہاں [۸۳]
 سینٹ کٹس تے نیویس Brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis ہاں [۸۴]
 سینٹ وینسینٹ تےگریناڈائنز St Vincent parrot Amazona guildingii ہاں [۸۵]
 سربیا Griffon vulture Gyps fulvus ہاں

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 سکاٹ لینڈ سنہری عقاب Aquila chrysaetos نئیں [۸۷]
 سنگاپور Crimson sunbird Aethopyga siparaja نئیں [۸۸]
 دکھنی افریقہ Blue crane Anthropoides paradisea ہاں [۸۹][۹۰]
 جنوبی کوریا Korean magpie Pica (pica) serieca نئیں [حوالہ درکار]
 جنوبی سوڈان African fish eagle Haliaeetus vocifer ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 سپین Spanish imperial eagle Aquila adalberti نئیں
 سری لنکا Sri Lanka junglefowl Gallus lafayetii ہاں [۹۱]
 سوڈان Secretary bird Sagittarius serpentarius ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 سوازی لینڈ Purple-crested turaco Tauraco porphyreolophus ہاں [۸۹]
 سویڈن Common blackbird Turdus merula ہاں [۹۲]
 تائیوان Taiwan blue magpie Urocissa caerulea نئیں
 تھائی لینڈ Siamese fireback Lophura diardi ہاں [۹۳]
 ٹرینیڈاڈ تے ٹوباگو Scarlet ibis Eudocimus ruber ہاں [۹۴]
Cocrico Ortalis ruficauda ہاں [۹۴]
 ترکی Redwing Turdus iliacus ہاں [حوالہ درکار]
 یوگنڈا East African crowned crane Balearica regulorum gibbericeps ہاں [۹۵]
 برطانیہ European robin Erithacus rubecula نئیں [۹۶]
 امریکہ Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus ہاں [۹۷]
 یوراگوئے Southern lapwing Vanellus chilensis نئیں [۹۸]
 وینزویلا Venezuelan troupial Icterus icterus ہاں فائل:Common Troupial – Nashville Zoo.jpg [۹۹]
 زیمبیا African fish eagle Haliaeetus vocifer ہاں [۸۹][۱۰۰]
 زمبابوے African fish eagle Haliaeetus vocifer ہاں [۸۹]


  1. Birds Angola – National Bird at www.birdsangola.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  2. Bird Watching in Anguilla at www.anguillalife.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  3. National Symbols at www.ab.gov.ag Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  4. Info about Hornero at www.redargentina.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 2007-09-24)
  5. National symbols at www.dfat.gov.au Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  6. 10,000 Birds at 10000birds.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  7. Bahamas National Symbols at www.bahamas-travel.info Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  8. Birds of Bahrain http://www.davidandliz.com/birds.htm Archived 2011-11-17 at the وے بیک مشین
  9. National Icons of Bangladesh at www.bangla2000.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  10. Belarus natural history and wildlife at www.belarus.by Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  11. Belgium's National Bird at www.geosymbols.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 5 July 2011)
  12. The National Symbols at www.belize.gov.bz Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  13. Bermuda Petrel at web1.audubon.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  14. National Bird at www.un.int Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  15. Bolivia National Emblems at www.boliviabella.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  16. Viajar a Parque Nacional de Chobe at www.tripadvisor.es Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  17. National Symbols at www.brasilemb.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  18. Coldwell Banker Real Estate BVI at www.coldwellbankerbvi.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  19. Bird Species of the Northern Plains at www.wcscambodia.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 July 2011)
  20. Official Bird Of Canada at www.canadianraptorconservancy.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  21. Cayman's National Symbols at www.caymanislands.ky Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  22. Descubre Chile at www.redchilena.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  23. China Considers Red-crowned Crane for National Bird at www.china.org.cn Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  24. It’s Crane v. Sparrow in China’s National Bird Search at www.theepochtimes.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  25. The Sparrow Wins Internet Vote for National Bird of China at blogs.wsj.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  26. Emblems & Symbols at www.turiscolombia.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  27. Costa Rica at www.costarica.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  28. 1 Kuna Coin Archived 2009-06-22 at the وے بیک مشین. – Retrieved on 31 March 2009.
  29. National Symbols of Cuba at www.radioflorida.co.cu Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  30. In and Around Denmark at www.copenhagenet.dk Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  31. Dominica's National Bird – Sisserou Parrot at www.dominica.gov.dm Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  32. Country Facts at www.un.int Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  33. Birds of Ecuador at www.ecuador-travel.net Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 July 2011)
  34. National Symbols El Salvador at cea-es.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  35. National symbols of Estonia at www.einst.ee Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  36. Birds in the Faroe Islands at www.framtak.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  37. Finland for Birdwatchers at www.birdlife.fi Error: unknown archive URL (archived August 2010)
  38. National Symbol at www.123independenceday.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 July 2011)
  39. Welche Art von Adler ist auf dem Bundeswappen abgebildet? at www.gutefrage.net Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  40. Gibraltar's Culture and Customs at www.funtrivia.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  41. Grenada Dove – National Bird of Grenada at www.gov.gd Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  42. Interesting Facts About Guatemala at www.all-about-guatemala.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  43. Guyana National Symbols at www.guyanaguide.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  44. Haiti Culture, Map, Flag, Tourist Places at www.sphereinfo.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  45. "Does Honduras have National flora and fauna?". https://web.archive.org/web/20110717092342/http://www.travel-to-honduras.com/faq-10/51.php. Retrieved on
    ۱۶ اکتوبر ۲۰۲۰. 
  46. "Holy animals of our ancestors". November 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226003306/http://istvandr.kiszely.hu/ostortenet/024.html. 
  47. Icelandic Coat of Arms at eng.forsaetisraduneyti.is Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  48. National Bird at india.gov.in Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  49. Javan Hawk-Eagle at www.speciesconservation.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 June 2011)
  50. Iranian or Persian: What's the Difference? at worldnews.about.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  51. Iraq Culture, Map, Flag, Tourist Places at www.sphereinfo.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  52. "Israel names biblically banned Hoopoe national bird". روئٹرز. 29 May 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226003014/https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-bird-odd/israel-names-biblically-banned-hoopoe-national-bird-idUSCOO95531320080529. Retrieved on
    ۹ اگست ۲۰۱۰. 
  53. "Italian Golden Eagle". Virgilio.it. 29 May 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226002903/https://notizie.virgilio.it/gallery/animali_emblemi_nazionali.html,zoom=297024.html. Retrieved on
    ۹ اگست ۲۰۱۰. 
  54. National Symbols at www.jis.gov.jm Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  55. Kokucho(The national bird) at www.japanlink.co.jp Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing]) Declared national bird by a non-government body in 1947
  56. ۵۶.۰ ۵۶.۱ National Bird by Country at www.nationmaster.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  57. Johnny Jet National Bird Kenya at www.johnnyjet.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 August 2013)
  58. Other Latvian Symbols at www.li.lv Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  59. Birds of Lithuania at www.birdlist.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 June 2011)
  60. National Symbols at travelluxembourg.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 6 June 2011)
  61. Birdwatching in Malta – Blue Rock Thrush at www.birdinginmalta.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  62. National Birds-Mexico at birdfreak.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 14 July 2011)
  63. Golden Eagle at www.baldeagleinfo.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived 8 July 2011)
  64. Mongolian Ornithological Society at www.mos.mn Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  65. Nature Adventures at www.visitmontserrat.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  66. Myanmar's National Bird at www.geosymbols.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 16 July 2011)
  67. Namibian.org at www.namibian.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  68. National Symbols of Namibia at www.gov.na Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  69. Napal: An Overview at www.nepalvista.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  70. Nationhood and identity at www.teara.govt.nz Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  71. General Investors' Guide at www.mific.gob.ni Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  72. Nigeria at www.geosymbols.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 16 July 2011)
  73. Norges nasjonalfugl fossekallen at www.nrk.no Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  74. Basic Facts at www.infopak.gov.pk Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  75. National Symbols of Pakistan at www.nationalheritage.gov.pk Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  76. The First Palestinian Bird Migration Festival Archived 2016-03-05 at the وے بیک مشین, Palestine Wildlife Society. Retrieved 29 July 2009.
  77. Basic Facts//National Symbols at www.embassyofpanamainjapan.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  78. Birds of Paradise at www.habitat.org.pg Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  79. Guyra Campana at www.guyra.org.py Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  80. Andean Cock-of-the-Rock at www.go2peru.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  81. Philippine National Symbols at www.philippinecountry.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  82. Puerto Rican spindalis
  83. Bird Watching at www.sthelenatourism.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  84. National Symbols at www.sknvibes.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  85. St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Symbols at www.visitsvg.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  86. Opstanak Zasticenih Vrsta at amlramzes.blog.rs Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  87. "Gordon Buchanan joins call for golden eagle to be made national bird". Edinburgh: بی بی سی نیوز. 28 January 2014. https://web.archive.org/web/20181226003036/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-25917819. 
  88. Crimson sunbird tops bird poll at www.ecologyasia.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  89. ۸۹.۰ ۸۹.۱ ۸۹.۲ ۸۹.۳ Namibia Stamps : SAPOA Sheetlet at www.namibstamps.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  90. The National Bird at www.saembassy.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  91. National Anthem at www.mysrilanka.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  92. Sweden's National Bird at www.geosymbols.org Error: unknown archive URL (archived 15 July 2011)
  93. ไก่ฟ้าพญาลอ นกประจำชาติ ฤๅ ตำนาน at www.jabchai.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  94. ۹۴.۰ ۹۴.۱ The National Birds at www.news.gov.tt Error: unknown archive URL (archived July 14, 2008)
  95. Ugandan National Symbols at www.ugandamission.net Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  96. Robin (Erithacus rubecula) at www.bbc.co.uk Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  97. Symbols of U.S. Government: The Bald Eagle at bensguide.gpo.gov Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  98. TERO TERO the national bird of Uruguay at www.tordesillasrefugiohotel.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  99. National Symbols at www.venezuela.org.my Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])
  100. Zambia at www.zambiatourism.com Error: unknown archive URL (archived [Date missing])