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مذہب بلحاظ دیس

آزاد انسائیکلوپیڈیا، وکیپیڈیا توں
عالمی مذہب - فیصدی

ایہ لسٹمذہب بلحاظ دیس اے۔

بلحاظ دیس


مذہب بلحاظ دیس 2007 (A-B)

دیسیا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو ہور غیر مذہبی ملاحظے حوالے تے ماخذ
 افغانستان 0.1% 99% 0.2% 0.4% 0.3%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول زرتشتیت، بہائیت، سکھ، وغیرہ... [۱][۲][۳]
 البانیا 35–41%[۴][۵] 38.8% – 70%[۴][۵][۶] دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں The majority of البانیہns today do not practice religion (42–74%)،[۷] but only 8–9% are atheist.
 الجزائر 99% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول مسیحی اور یہودی. [۱۳][۱۴][۱۵]
 امریکی سمووا 92% % % % 8%* % بشمول Atheists، بدھ مت والے اور بہائی. [۱۶]
 انڈورہ 90% 2.8% 0.5% 0.7% 1% (یہودی 0.2%) 5% [۱۷][۱۸]
 انگولا 95% 0.7% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 4%* 0.3% زیادہ تر African indigenous beliefs. [۱۹]
 اینگویلا 90.5% 0.55% 0.25% 0.2% 4.2%* 4.3% Rastafarians اور یہودی among others [۲۰]
 اینٹیگوا و باربوڈا 74% – 91.4% 0.3% 0.05% 0.25% 1.5% – 2.2%* 5.8% Rastafarians زیادہ تر، بہائی اور یہودی. [۲۱][۲۲]
 ارجنٹائن 79% – 94% 1.5% 0.1% 0.01% 3.2%* (یہودی 0.8%)، (سکھ 0.09%) 1.19% [۲۳][۲۴][۲۵][۲۶][۲۷]
 آرمینیا 98.7% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1.3%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول یزیدی، مسلمان، یہودی، بہائی. [۲۸][۲۹]
 اروبا 90% 10%* بشمول ہندو، Muslim، بدھ مت سی آئی اے، Jewish. [۲۹][۳۰]
 آسٹریلیا 64% 1.7% 2.1% 0.7% 0.9% (یہودی 0.4%) 19% Unspecified 11.6% [۳۱][۳۲][۳۳]
 آسٹریا 81.4% 4.2% 0.13% 0.05% 0.22% (یہودی 0.1%) 14%* – 46.4% Unspecified 2%، none 12%. Christian self-identification based on voluntary Kirchensteuer (Ecclesiastical Church tax) [۳۴][۳۵][۳۶][۳۷][۳۸]
 آذربائیجان 4.8% 93.4% دستیاب نہیں 1.8%* بشمول یہودی 0.2%، بہائی، Hare Krishnas اور Atheists. [۳۹][۴۰][۴۱]
 بہاماس 96.3% % % % 0.8%* 2.9% بشمول یہودی، بہائی، Rastafarians، Vodouns، ہندوs، بدھ مت والے. [۴۲][۴۳]
 بحرین 70.2% 29.8% دستیاب نہیں بحرین census defines Muslim اور Other only. [۴۴]
 بنگلہ دیش 0.3% 88.3%اورnbsp;– 89.7% 0.7% 9.2% – 10.5% 0.1%* دستیاب نہیں Animist، tribal faiths، سکھ اور Jains [۴۵][۴۶][۴۷]
 بارباڈوس 67% 1.5% 1% 1% 11.5%* 17% Rastafarians، بہائی، وغیرہ... [۴۸][۴۹][۵۰]
 بیلاروس 96% 0.1% % 3.9%* دستیاب نہیں یہودی 1%، Hare Krishnas اور بہائی. [۵۱][۵۲][۵۳][۵۴]
 بیلجیم 40% – 60% 4% 0.3% 0.07%* 0.83%** 42% - 43% بشمول ہندوs with Hare Krishnas/**، یہودی 0.53%، سکھ، Baha’is، Scientologists. [۳۴][۵۵][۵۶][۵۷][۵۸]
 بیلیز 79% 0.58% 0.35% 2.3% 7.77%* 10% زیادہ تر Animists، Baha’is 2.73%، وغیرہ... [۵۹][۶۰][۶۱]
 بینن 42.8% 24.4% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 26.3%* 6.5% Vodun 17.3%، Animists. [۶۲][۶۳]
 برمودا 67% 0% 0.1% 0% 11.9%* 21% Animists، بہائی، یہودی، وغیرہ... [۶۴][۶۵]
 بھوٹان % % 75% 24% 1%* % It could include some مسیحی، مسلمان. [۶۶]
 بولیویا 97% 0.01% 0.26% دستیاب نہیں 0.73%* 2% بشمول the Bahá'í Faith، Judaism، شنتو. [۶۷][۶۸]
 بوسنیا و ہرزیگووینا 50% 40% 0.1%* 9.9% یہودی، بدھ مت والے، ہندوs، وغیرہ... [۶۹][۷۰][۷۱]
 بوٹسوانا 85% 0.3% دستیاب نہیں 0.2% 7.9%* 1%[۷۲][۷۳] Badimo 6%، بہائی. [۷۴][۷۵]
 برازیل 91.9%[۷۶] 0.016% 0.13% 0.0016% 3.25%* 7.6% Spiritualist 1.3%، Bantu/voodoo 0.3%، Afro-برازیلian religious 0.3% (Cاورomblé اور Umbاورa)، یہودی 0.063%، شنتو، سکھ وغیرہ... [۷۷][۷۸][۷۹]
 برطانوی جزائر ورجن 96% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 1%* 2% Rastafarians، Vodous، بہائی. [۸۰][۸۱]
 برونائی 10% 64% 14% 1% 9%* 2% زیادہ تر indigenous beliefs، بہائی، سکھ، یہودی، Nasrani، وغیرہ... [۸۲][۸۳][۸۴]
 بلغاریہ 83.8% 12.2% 4%* دستیاب نہیں Roma animists زیادہ تر، یہودی، ہندو، بدھ مت والے، وغیرہ... [۳۴][۸۵][۸۶]
 برکینا فاسو 10% – 20% 50% – 60% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 20% – 40%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۸۷][۸۸][۸۹]
 برونڈی 67% 10% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 23%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۹۰][۹۱][۹۲]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (C)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (C)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 کمبوڈیا 0.5% 3.5% 95% 0.3% 0.5%* 0.4% Tribal animism mostly، Cao Đài، the Bahá'í Faith. [۹۳][۹۴]
 کیمرون 40% – 53% 20% – 22% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 25% – 40%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۹۵][۹۶][۹۷]
 کینیڈا 70.3% – 77.1% 2% 1.1% – 3.6% 1% 3.7% – 9.5%* 19% – 30% یہودی 1.1%، Sikhs 1%، Scientologists، Baha'is، aboriginal spiritualities. [۹۸][۹۹][۱۰۰][۱۰۱]
 کیپ ورڈی 95% 3% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1%* 1% Indigenous beliefs. [۱۰۲][۱۰۳]
[[File:|23x15px|border |alt=|link=]] کیمین جزیرے 77.95% 0.19% 0.31% 0.26% 16.59%* 4.7% Spiritists 14%، یہودی 1.71%، Baha'is 0.88%. [۱۰۴]
 وسطی افریقی جمہوریہ 50% – 80% 10% – 15% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 10% – 35%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۱۰۵][۱۰۶][۱۰۷]
 چاڈ 34.3% 53.1% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 7.8%* 4.8% (atheist 3.1%) Animist 7.3%، other 0.5%. [۱۰۸][۱۰۹][۱۱۰]
 چلی 87.2% 0.02% 0.04% 0.01% 4.4%* 8.3% یہودی 0.1%، Baha'is 0.04%، etc... [۱۱۱][۱۱۲][۱۱۳]
 چین 4–5%[۱۱۴][۱۱۵][۱۱۶][۱۱۷] 1–2% 18–20%[۱۱۶][۱۱۷][۱۱۸] دستیاب نہیں 20–30% (Folk religion and تاؤ مت)[۱۱۹][۱۲۰][۱۲۱] 40–60% (non-religious، agnostics، or new religionists; atheists are 14–15%)[۱۱۶][۱۲۲] Read "religion in چین" for more details. [۱۲۳][۱۲۴][۱۲۵][۱۲۶][۱۲۷]
 جزیرہ کرسمس 25% 10% 55% 10%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول Bahai's، ہندوs and Atheists. [۱۲۸]
 جزائر کوکوس 15% 80% 5%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول Baha'is mostly and ہندوs. [۱۲۹]
 کولمبیا 93.5% 0.025% 0.015% 0.02% 4.44% 2% بشمول یہودی 0.05%، animists، etc... [۱۳۰][۱۳۱]
 اتحاد القمری 1% – 2% 98% – 99% دستیاب نہیں 0.1% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں [۱۳۲][۱۳۳][۱۳۴]
 جمہوری جمہوریہ کانگو 80% – 90%* 5% – 10% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 5% – 10%** دستیاب نہیں That includes Kimbanguists/**: includes syncretic sects and Animists. [۱۳۵][۱۳۶][۱۳۷]
 جمہوریہ کانگو 50% 2% % % 48%* Mostly Animists. [۱۳۸][۱۳۹][۱۴۰]
سانچہ:Country data جزائر کک 90.2% دستیاب نہیں 1% 1% 2.2% (mostly Baha'is) 5.6%* unspecified 2.6%، none 3%. [۱۴۱]
 کوسٹاریکا 87.3% – 92% 0.1% 2.34% 0.06% 0.8% – 2.3%* 3.2% – 9.2% بشمول Judaism، Scientology، Tenrikyo، and the Bahá'í Faith. [۱۴۲][۱۴۳][۱۴۴][۱۴۵]
سانچہ:Country data کوت داوواغ (کوت داوواغ) 35% – 40% 35% – 40% 0.1% 0.1% 25% – 30%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly indigenous beliefs، Baha'is. [۱۴۶][۱۴۷][۱۴۸][۱۴۹]
 کروشیا 87.8% 1.3% 0.03% 0.01%% یہودی 0.85% 2% – 5.2% [۳۴][۱۵۰][۱۵۱][۱۵۲][۱۵۳]
 کیوبا 45% – 90%* 0.0026% 0.25% 0.21% 0.5% (Arará، Regla de Palo، Judaism). 9% Over 70% of کیوباns could be nominal Catholic-Santería. [۱۵۴][۱۵۵][۱۵۶]
 قبرص 79.3%* 18% 1% 0.1% 0.3% (mostly یہودی) 1.3% بشمول many Christian sects.[۲۹] [۲۹][۱۵۷][۱۵۸]
 چیک جمہوریہ 14% – 28.9% 0.1% 0.5% 0.003% 2.6% (including یہودی، Scientologists) 67.8%* unspecified 8.8%، unaffiliated 59%. [۳۴][۱۵۹][۱۶۰]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (D-F)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (D-F)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 ڈنمارک 31% – 89% 2% – 3.7% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2%* 6.9% (non-religious 5.4%، atheists 1.5%) بشمول یہودی 0.1%، Baha'is، Sikhs، Norse mythology. [۳۴][۱۶۱][۱۶۲][۱۶۳][۱۶۴]
 جبوتی 0.8% – 5.8% 94% – 99% دستیاب نہیں 0.02% 0.1%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly Baha'is. [۱۶۵][۱۶۶][۱۶۷][۱۶۸]
 ڈومینیکا 90.9% 0.2% 0.25% 0.2% 2.35%* 6.1% Rastafarian 1.3%، Baha'is 1%. [۱۶۹][۱۷۰][۱۷۱]
 جمہوریہ ڈومینیکن 87.1% – 95% 0.05% – 0.1% 0.1% 0.04% 2.26%* 2.5% – 10.6% Spiritist 2.18%، Bahá'í 0.07%، Jewish 0.01%. [۱۷۲][۱۷۳][۱۷۴][۱۷۵]
 مشرقی تیمور 98%* 0.9% 0.1% 0.3% 0.7% دستیاب نہیں Rسلطنت عمان Catholicism & Animism 97%. [۱۷۶][۱۷۷][۱۷۸]
 ایکواڈور 85% – 97.5% 0.002% 0.2% دستیاب نہیں 0.7%* 1.5% Animists، Baha'is، یہودی، etc... [۱۷۹][۱۸۰][۱۸۱][۱۸۲]
 مصر 16%-18% 83% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں Baha'is، یہودی دستیاب نہیں Read sources for more details [۱۸۳][۱۸۴]
 ایل سیلواڈور 96% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 1.3%* 1%[۷۳][۱۸۵] Baha'is، یہودی، Animists، etc... [۱۸۶][۱۸۷][۱۸۸]
 استوائی گنی 93% 1% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 5%* 1% Mostly animists and Baha'is 1%. [۱۸۹]
 اریتریا 49% – 50% 48% – 50% 0.1% 0.1% over 2%* 0.1% indigenous beliefs 2%، Baha'is. [۱۹۰][۱۹۱]
 استونیا 10% – 27.8% 0.4% 0.4% 0.01% 0.3% (یہودی 0.2%) 50–70% In a 2000 census، 34% were unaffiliated، 32% other and unspecified، and 6% had no religion. [۳۴][۱۹۲][۱۹۳]
 ایتھوپیا 60.8% 32.8% دستیاب نہیں 0.005% 6.3% (indigenous beliefs)، Judaism دستیاب نہیں Some sources[۱۹۴][۱۹۵] show equal figures for Christian and Muslim from 45% – 50% per each. [۱۹۶][۱۹۷]
سانچہ:Country data جزائر فاکلینڈ 94.3% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 3.7%* 2% including Baha'is 0.3%. [۱۹۸][۱۹۹]
 فارو جزیرے

|| 93.96%|| 0%|| 0%|| 0%|| Baha'is 0.2%|| 5.84%||||[۲۰۰][۲۰۱]

 فجی 52% – 54% 7% 1% 33% – 34% 0.9%* 3% – 5% (Atheist 0.3%) Sikhs (0.5%) and Bahai's [۲۰۲][۲۰۳][۲۰۴]
 فنلینڈ 40% – 80% 0.2% 0.1% 0.01% 0.19%* 16% یہودی، Baha'is، others. [۳۴][۲۰۵][۲۰۶][۲۰۷][۲۰۸][۲۰۹]
 فرانس (Metropolitan فرانس only) 54% 4% 0.7% – 1.2% 0.1% 4%* 31–64% Some people may identify as both agnostic and members of a religious community. A دسمبر 2006 poll by Harris Interactive، published in The Finanسی آئی اےl Times، found that 32% of the French population described themselves as agnostic، a further 32% as دہریت and only 27% believed in any type of God or supreme being.) *: یہودی over 1%، Sikhs less than 1%، Scientologists. Please read more here for more details. [۳۴][۲۱۰][۲۱۱][۲۱۲][۲۱۳][۲۱۴][۲۱۵][۲۱۶][۲۱۷]
 فرانسیسی گیانا 85% 2% 1% 1% 3%* 8% Animists 2%، Baha'is 0.9%، Sikhs. [۲۱۸]
 فرانسیسی پولینیشیا 84% دستیاب نہیں 7.5%* 0.5% 2% (mostly Baha'is) 6% Mostly Chinese Buddhism. [۲۱۹]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (G-K)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (G-K)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 گیبون 55 – 73% 1% – 12% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 10%* 5% Indigenous beliefs. [۲۲۰][۲۲۱]
 گیمبیا 4% – 9% 90% – 95% دستیاب نہیں 0.1% 0.9%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs، Baha'is. [۲۲۲][۲۲۳][۲۲۴]
 جارجیا 88.6% 9.9% 0.1% 0.01% 0.69%* 0.7% بشمول یہودی 0.22% [۲۲۵][۲۲۶][۲۲۷]
 جرمنی 67% 3.9% 0.3% – 1%[۲۲۸] 0.12% 1.4% (یہودی 0.25%)، (Sikhs 0.03%) 25%[۲۲۹]-55%[۲۳۰] [۳۴][۲۲۹]
 گھانا 68.8% 15.9% 0.05% 0.05% 9.1%* 6.1% Animist 8.5%، others (see sources). [۲۳۱][۲۳۲]
 جبل الطارق 88.3% 4% 0.1% 1.8% 2.2%* 3.6% یہودی 2.1%. [۲۳۳]
 یونان 98% 1.3% 0.1% unknown 0.6% دستیاب نہیں Others include یہودی، Scientologists، Baha'is، Sikhs، Hare Krishnas & Hellenic neopaganists. [۲۳۴][۲۳۵][۲۳۶]
 گرین لینڈ 96.56% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1.24%* 2.2% Traditional ethnic 0.74%، Baha'i 0.5%. [۲۳۷]
 گریناڈا 93% 0.3% 0.5% 0.7% 1.5%* 4% Rastafarian/Spiritist 1.3%، Baha'is 0.2%. [۲۳۸][۲۳۹]
 گواڈیلوپ 94.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.5% 2.3%* 2% بشمول Baha'is 0.4%، Rastafarians، Vodous. [۲۴۰]
 گوام 89.6% % % % 10.4%* unknown ہندوs، Buddhists، Muslims، Baha'is، etc... [۲۴۱][۲۴۲]
 گوئٹے مالا 95% 0.01% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 4.9%* 1.9% بشمول indigenous Mayan beliefs، Baha'is. [۲۴۳][۲۴۴]

|| 100%*|| 0%|| 0%|| 0%|| دستیاب نہیں|| دستیاب نہیں|| Anglican 65.2%.||[۲۴۵]

 جمہوریہ گنی 7% – 10% 85% 0.1% 5% – 8%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly indigenous beliefs، Baha'is & ہندوs. [۲۴۶][۲۴۷][۲۴۸]
 گنی بساؤ 5% – 13% 38% – 45% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 40% – 50%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۲۴۹][۲۵۰]
 گیانا 50% – 57.4% 7.2% – 10% 0.7% 28.3% – 35% 2.4%* 4% Rastafarians، Baha'is. [۲۵۱][۲۵۲][۲۵۳]
 ہیٹی 83.7% 0.02% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 2.18%* 1%[۷۳][۲۵۴] Vodous 50%، Baha'is. [۲۵۵]
 ہونڈوراس 86% 0.1% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 12.7%* 1.1% Mostly indigenous beliefs، Baha'is، یہودی. [۲۵۶][۲۵۷]
 ہانگ کانگ 8.1% 1.3% 90%
(10% registered)
0.1% 0.2%* 58%[۲۵۸][۲۵۹][۲۶۰] بشمول Sikhs، یہودی، Baha'is، Falun Gong، etc... [۲۶۱][۲۶۲]
سانچہ:Country data مجارستان 74.4% 0.03% 0.05% 0.02% 0.8%* 24.7% یہودی 0.12%، etc... [۲۶۳]
 آئس لینڈ 88.97% 0.13% 0.26% دستیاب نہیں 0.60%* 10.04% Ásatrúarfélagið، Baha'is، Sikhs [۳۴][۲۶۴][۲۶۵][۲۶۶][۲۶۷]
 بھارت 2.3% 13.4% 0.8% 80.5% 2.9% (Sikh 1.9%، Jains 0.4%، Baha'is 0.2%، Tribal animists 0.3%، Zoroastrians، یہودی) 0.1% [۲۲۸][۲۶۸][۲۶۹][۲۷۰]
 انڈونیشیا 9.5% 87.2% 1% 2.2% 0.1%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly Tribal animism. [۲۷۱]
 ایران 1.25% – 2.00% 98% 0.01% 0.02% 4.05% – 5%* دستیاب نہیں Bahá'ís 300،000 – 350،000; یہودی 25،000 – 30،000; Zoroastrians 30،000 – 60،000; Sikhs 6،000 [۲۷۲][۲۷۳]
 عراق 2.3% 97% 0% 0% 0.7%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول the local religions of یزیدی، Shabaks، Sabean-Mandaean. [۲۷۴][۲۷۵]
 جمہوریہ آئرلینڈ 91.7% 0.76% 0.19% 0.15% 0.9%* 6.3% بشمول یہودی، Baha'is، Sikhs etc... [۳۴][۲۷۶][۲۷۷]
 آئل آف مین 63.7% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 36.3% [۲۷۸]
 اسرائیل 2.3% 16% 0.1% 0.1% 78.1%* 3.4% Jewish 76.5%، دروز 1.6%. [۲۷۹][۲۸۰]
 اطالیہ 70% – 90%* 1.4% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% یہودی، 0.1% Sikhs over 0.06%، Baha'is 14–27%[۲۱۰] 87% nominally Catholics and 3% Protestants. [۳۴][۲۸۱][۲۸۲]
 جمیکا 65.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 1%* 3%[۷۳][۲۸۳] Rastafarians 0.9%; یہودی & Baha'is. [۲۸۴][۲۸۵][۲۸۶][۲۸۷]
 جاپان 0.8% 0.1% 70% (20–45% practicing) 0.004% 3% (شنتومت، Tenrikyo) 70–84%
Professor Robert Kisala estimates that only 30% of جاپانese adhere to a religion. A research done by Phil Zuckerman concluded that 64–65% of جاپانese are non-believers in God[۵۸]

Frequently seen high figures of Buddhism such as 90% come primarily from birth records following a longstanding practice of family lines being offiسی آئی اےlly assoسی آئی اےted with a local Buddhist temple[۲۲۸][۲۸۸][۲۸۹] "polls indicate that fewer than 30% of جاپانese people have any real religious beliefs"[۲۹۰] According to Johnstone (1993:323)، 84% of the جاپانese claim no personal religion[۲۹۱]


|| 86%|| دستیاب نہیں|| دستیاب نہیں|| دستیاب نہیں|| 0.6%|| 13.4%||||[۲۹۲]

 اردن 3% – 6% 93% – 95% 0% 0% 1%* دستیاب نہیں Druzes and Baha'is. [۲۹۳][۲۹۴][۲۹۵]
 قازقستان 46% 47% 0.58% 0.02% 1.4%* 5% Mostly Shamanists، یہودی، Baha'is. [۲۹۶][۲۹۷][۲۹۸]
 کینیا 78% 10% دستیاب نہیں 1% 11%* unknown Indigenous beliefs 10%، Baha'is 0.9%; Sikhs، Jains & یہودی. [۲۹۹][۳۰۰]
 کیریباتی 97% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں Baha'is 2% 0.9% [۳۰۱]
 شمالی کوریا 0.1% 0% 64.5%
(2% registered)
0% 30% (Confuسی آئی اےnism، Shamanism، Chongdogyo) 10–15% (A research in the year 2005 by Phil Zuckerman revealed that only about 15% of شمالی کوریاns are non-believers in God but warns about its unreliability) Over 90% total population believe in Juche. Read here for more details. [۳۰۲]
 جنوبی کوریا 26.3% 0.07% 22.8%[۳۰۳]-40% 0.005% 0.7% (Korean Shamanism، Chondogyo، Confuسی آئی اےnism، Judaism، etc...) 52%[۳۰۴](Not necessarily true atheists. Most جنوبی کوریاn households still observe many traditional Buddhist and Confuسی آئی اےn customs and philosophies، such as jesa or visit temples on important holidays such as Korean New Year. جنوبی کوریاn Catholics، but not Protestants، also continue to observe some traditional Buddhist and Confuسی آئی اےn practices.) According to Eungi (2003)، 52% of جنوبی کوریاns do not believe in God.[۳۰۴][۳۰۵] [۳۰۶]
 کویت 16% 67.5% 4% 12% 0.43%* 0.07% Sikhs 0.4%، Baha'is. [۳۰۷]
 کرغیزستان 11% – 20% 75% – 80% 0.35% دستیاب نہیں 4.5% – 8%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly Shamanists، Baha'is 0.1%. [۳۰۸][۳۰۹][۳۱۰]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (L-M)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (L-M)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 لاؤس 1.5% ? 65% (65% have taken the Refuge) * ? 31.5% (mostly animists، also Baha'is and Muslims) 0.25% بشمول the mixture of Theravada Buddhism with animist and the numbers of East Asian Buddhism. [۳۱۱][۳۱۲][۳۱۳]
 لٹویا 70% 0.017% 0.004% 0.006% یہودی 0.014% 20–29%[۳۱۴] [۷۳][۳۱۵]
 لبنان 39% 59.7% 0.1% 0.1% 1.1%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول یہودی، Baha'is، etc... (As of 1932 لبنان was an 82% Christian majority) [۳۱۶][۳۱۷]
 لیسوتھو 80% – 90% 1% 0.1% 0.1% 9% – 19%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly indigenous beliefs، Baha'is. [۳۱۸][۳۱۹]
 لائبیریا 40% 20% 0.1% 0.1% 39.7% 0.1% Mostly indigenous beliefs (over 39%)، small numbers of Baha'is and Sikhs. [۳۲۰][۳۲۱]
 لیبیا 2.4% 97% 0.3% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.2% [۳۲۲][۳۲۳][۳۲۴][۳۲۵]
 لیختینستائن 83.2% 4.8% 0.25% دستیاب نہیں 1%* 10.75% یہودی 0.1%; Baha'is; no formal creed. [۳۲۶][۳۲۷]
 لتھووینیا 44% – 85% 0.08% 0.01% 0.01% 5.4%* 9.5% "Nontraditional" religions; <0.1% یہودی. [۳۴][۳۲۸][۳۲۹]
 لکسمبرگ 39% – 92% 2% 0.5% 0.1% 0.4%* 22–28% یہودی 0.2%، Baha'is. [۳۴][۳۳۰][۳۳۱]
 مکاؤ 7% 0.1% 80%*[۳۳۲]
(17% registered)
دستیاب نہیں 0.6% (0.5% Baha'is، Falun Gong) 45%[۳۳۳] [۳۳۴]
 مقدونیہ 65.1% – 69% 29% – 33.3% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1% – 1.5% دستیاب نہیں See sources for various figures. [۳۳۵][۳۳۶][۳۳۷]
 مڈغاسکر 41% – 45% 7% 0.1% 0.1% 47% – 51.4%* 0.4% Over 45% – 50% is indigenous beliefs; Baha'is 0.1% [۳۳۸][۳۳۹][۳۴۰][۳۴۱][۳۴۲]
 ملاوی 79.9% 12.8% دستیاب نہیں 0.2% 2.8%* 4.3% Mostly animists 2.5%، Baha'is 0.2%، Rastafarians & یہودی. [۳۴۳][۳۴۴][۳۴۵]
 ملائشیا 9.1% 55% – 60.4% 19.2% – 22% 6.3% 1.3%* 0.8% بشمول animists، Sikhs & Baha'is. [۳۴۶][۳۴۷][۳۴۸]
 مالدیپ 0.1% 99.41% (overall) – 100% (citizen) 0.45% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% [۳۴۹][۳۵۰]
 مالی 1% – 5% 90% 0% 0% 5% – 9% دستیاب نہیں [۳۵۱][۳۵۲][۳۵۳]
 مالٹا 55% – 97%* 0.8% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.1%** 2% Rسلطنت عمان Catholics 95%/**: بشمول یہودی، Baha'is، etc... [۳۴][۳۵۴]
 جزائر مارشل 97.5% 0% 0% 1%* 1.5% Mostly Baha'is and few Buddhists. [۳۵۵][۳۵۶]
 مارٹینیک 91.6% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% 4.4%* 3% Baha'is 0.5%، Rastafarians، Vodous. [۳۵۷]
 موریتانیہ 99.9% 0% 0% 0.1%* 0% Mostly مسیحی، یہودی. [۳۵۸]
 موریشس 32.2% 16.6% 2.5% 50% دستیاب نہیں 0.7% [۳۵۹][۳۶۰][۳۶۱]
 مایوٹ 3%* 97% 0% 0% 0% 0% mostly Rسلطنت عمان Catholic. [۳۶۲]
 میکسیکو 82.8% – 95.15% 0.26% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.1%* 4.38% – 16.9% یہودی 0.05%; Baha'is. [۳۶۳][۳۶۴][۳۶۵][۳۶۶]
 مائکرونیشیا 95.4% – 97% دستیاب نہیں 1% دستیاب نہیں 1.6%* 0.4% – 2% Mostly Baha'is. [۳۶۷][۳۶۸][۳۶۹]
 مالدووا 98.3% 0.07% 0.02% 0.01% یہودی 1.5% 0.1% [۳۷۰][۳۷۱][۳۷۲]
 موناکو 20.5% – 90% 10%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول mostly Protestant، Jewish 3%، Muslim، Greek Orthodox، etc... [۳۷۳][۳۷۴]
 منگولیا 2.1% 3.0% 53% 3.3%* 38.6% Total of 2.9% are subscribed to شامانیت، here included in the "Others" category [۳۷۵]
 مونٹینیگرو 77.5% – 78%* 18% 0% 0% دستیاب نہیں 4% – 4.5% Orthodox 74% and Rسلطنت عمان Catholic. [۳۷۶][۳۷۷]
 مانٹسریٹ 95.5% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% Baha'is 2% 2% [۳۷۸]
 مراکش 0.1% – 1.1% 98.7% – 99.6% 0.01%[۳۷۹] دستیاب نہیں 0.09% – 0.2%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly یہودی، Baha'is. [۳۸۰][۳۸۱]
 موزمبیق 41.3% 17.8% – 20% 0% 0.2% 17.5%* 5%[۳۸۲] بشمول African animists mostly، یہودی & Baha'is. [۳۸۳][۳۸۴][۳۸۵]
 میانمار (برما) 4% – 6% 4% 89% – 90% 0.5% 0.5% – 1.5%* دستیاب نہیں بشمول Tribal animism mostly، Baha'i، Jewish. [۳۸۶][۳۸۷]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (N-Q)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (N-Q)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 نمیبیا 90% 0.9% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 4%* unknown indigenous beliefs 3%، یہودی، Baha'is. [۳۸۸][۳۸۹]
 ناورو 67% دستیاب نہیں 3% دستیاب نہیں 10%* 20% It is the country with the highest percentage of Baha'is (over 9%). [۳۹۰]
 نیپال 0.45% 4% – 4.2% 10.7% – 11% 80.6% – 81% 3.6% – 4%* دستیاب نہیں Kایرانt [۳۹۱][۳۹۲][۳۹۳]
 نیدرلینڈز 29% – 45% 5.5% – 5.8% 0.1% – 1% 0.6% 0.4% – 0.8%* 53% – 65%[۳۹۴] یہودی 0.3% [۳۴][۳۹۵][۳۹۶]
 نیدرلینڈز انٹیلیز 92.3% 0.31% 0.26% 0.6% 1.33%* 5.2% یہودی 1.3%، Baha'is. [۳۹۷][۳۹۸]
 نیو کیلیڈونیا 90% 4% 3% 2% 1%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly Baha'is. [۳۹۹][۴۰۰]
 نیوزی لینڈ 55.9% 1.0% 1.4% 1.7% 5.4% 34.6% [۴۰۱]
 نکاراگوا 90% 0.02% – 0.03% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 1.6%* 2%[۷۳][۴۰۲] Animist، Baha'is. [۴۰۳]
 نائجر 5%* 95% 0% 0% Baha'is دستیاب نہیں Mixture of Christianity and Animism. [۴۰۴][۴۰۵][۴۰۶]
 نائجیریا 40% 50% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں African animist 10% دستیاب نہیں The numbers of مسیحی and Muslims are roughly equal as 50/50. [۴۰۷][۴۰۸]
 نیووے 81% 8.4%* 10.6% Baha'is mostly. [۴۰۹]
سانچہ:Country data جزیرہ نارفوک 64% 2.7% 33.3%* Unspecified 15.2%، none 18.1%. [۴۱۰]
 جزائر شمالی ماریانا 79.7% % % % 20.3%* % Mostly Buddhists، Atheists، Baha'is and Animists. [۴۱۱]
 ناروے 30% – 89.9% 1.8% 0.5% 0.5% 0.6%* 6.7% یہودی، Sikhs، Baha'is. [۳۴][۴۱۲][۴۱۳][۴۱۴]
 سلطنت عمان 2.54% – 4.9% 87.4% – 92.66% 0.8% – 1.2% 3% – 5.7% 0.3% – 1.1%* 0.1% – 0.3% Sikhs، Baha'is. [۴۱۵][۴۱۶][۴۱۷]
 پاکستان 1.5% 96% – 97% 0.1% 1.2% – 2% 0.1% – 0.3%* 0.1% – 0.3% احمدیہ، Zoroastrians، Sikhs، Baha'is، animist. Read here for more details [۴۱۸][۴۱۹][۴۲۰][۴۲۱]
 پلاؤ 71.7% 0.1% 3% دستیاب نہیں 8.8%* 16.4% Modekngei (indigenous to پلاؤ). [۴۲۲][۴۲۳]
سانچہ:پرچمiconفلسطینی قومی عملداری 4.73% 83.54% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 11.73%* دستیاب نہیں یہودی 11.09%; Baha'is and others 0.64%. [۴۲۴][۴۲۵][۴۲۶]
 پاناما 88% – 95% 0.3% – 3.5% 0.4% – 2.1% 0.3% 2% – 4%* 2% Read sources for more details [۴۲۷][۴۲۸]
 پاپوا نیو گنی 66% – 96%* 0.035% 0.3% دستیاب نہیں Animist 33%، Baha'is 0.3%. Many citizens integrate their Christian faith with some indigenous beliefs and practices [۴۲۹][۴۳۰]
 پیراگوئے 92% – 96.9% 0.008% 0.5% دستیاب نہیں 1%* 1.5% – 5% Animist 0.5%، Baha'is 0.2%، یہودی 0.1%، New religions. [۴۳۱][۴۳۲][۴۳۳]
 پیرو 83.1% 0.003% 0.31% unknown 0.11%* 2%[۷۳][۴۳۴] Baha'is 0.09%، یہودی 0.02%، Animist. [۴۳۵][۴۳۶][۴۳۷]
 فلپائن 92.5% – 94% 5% 0.1% – 2.5% 0.05% 0.35%* 0.1% Mostly Catholic. [۴۳۸][۴۳۹]
سانچہ:Country data جزائر پٹکیرن 100%* 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Seventh-Day Adventist 100%. [۴۴۰]
 پولینڈ 75% – 96.7%* 0.01% – 0.07% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.13% (یہودی 0.1%) 3% Rسلطنت عمان Catholic 96%. [۳۴][۴۴۱][۴۴۲]
 پرتگال 86.7% – 95.5% 0.33% 0.03% 0.07% 0.02%* 3.9% – 12.85% Mostly Catholic. [۳۴][۴۴۳][۴۴۴]
 پورٹو ریکو 97% 0.13% 0.03% 0.09% 0.77%* 1.98% Spiritists 0.7%، یہودی 0.07%. [۴۴۵]
 قطر 8.5% – 10.3% 71% – 77.5% 5% 7.2% – 12.7% Baha'is 0.2% 0.8% See sources because non-Islamic religious numbers depend on ethnic groups. [۴۴۶][۴۴۷][۴۴۸][۴۴۹]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (R-S)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (R-S)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 غے یونیوں 84.9% 2.15% ? 6.7% 6.18% including Bahai 0.07% 5% یہودی 0.07%[حوالہ درکار] [۴۵۰]
 رومانیہ 99% 0.2% 0.01% 0.01% 0.1%* 0.1% Predominantly یہودی & small numbers of Baha'is. [۴۵۱][۴۵۲][۴۵۳]
 روس 18.5% – 78% 10% – 14% 1.1% – 1.45% 0.45%[۴۵۴][۴۵۵] یہودی 0.5%; Shamanist 1%; Baha'is، new religions 0.5%. 16% – 48%* روس has large populations of non-practicing believers and non-believers. [۴۵۶][۴۵۷][۴۵۸]
 روانڈا 93.6% 4.6% 0% 0% Animist 0.1% 1.7% [۴۵۹][۴۶۰]
 سینٹ ہلینا 95.7% 0% 0% 0% Baha'is 0.3% 4% [۴۶۱][۴۶۲]
 سینٹ کیٹز 98% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1%* 1% Baha'is، Rastafarians. [۴۶۳]
 سینٹ لوسیا 90.8% 0.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.2% 2.9%* 6% Rastafarians 2.1%. [۴۶۴] (Page 100)
سانچہ:Country data Saint-Pierre and Miquelon 99% 0% 0% 0% 1% دستیاب نہیں [۴۶۵]
 سینٹ وینسینٹ و گریناڈائنز 88.9% 1.5% دستیاب نہیں 3.3% 0.3%* 6% Rastafarians، Baha'is. [۴۶۳][۴۶۶][۴۶۷]
 سامووا 98% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 1.6%* 0.1% Baha'is 1.5%، یہودی. [۴۶۸][۴۶۹]
 سان مارینو 99% 0.1% % % 0.4%* 0.5% Baha'is، یہودی. [۴۷۰]
سانچہ:Country data ساؤ ٹومے و پرنسپے 77.5% – 95% 3% 0% 0% 0.1% 2% – 19.4% [۴۷۱][۴۷۲]
 سعودی عرب 4.5% (est.)[۴۷۳][۴۷۴] 97% (overall)[۴۷۵]* 1.5% (est.)[۴۷۶][۴۷۷] 4.5% (est.)[۴۷۸][۴۷۹] unknown (Sikhs، Baha'is، یہودی). دستیاب نہیں All non-Islamic religions are prohibited. Estimates for non-Islamic religions are based on nationalities. Read here for more details. [۴۷۳][۴۸۰][۴۸۱]
 سینیگال 4% – 5% 94% – 95% 0.01% دستیاب نہیں 1% -2%* دستیاب نہیں Animists. [۴۸۲][۴۸۳][۴۸۴]
 سربیا 83% – 91.6% 3.2% – 5% 0.01%[۴۸۵] دستیاب نہیں 0.09%* 5% یہودی >0.02%. [۴۸۶][۴۸۷]
 سیچیلیس 93.2% 1.1% 1% 2.1% 0.5%* 2.1% Mostly Baha'is. [۴۸۸][۴۸۹]
 سیرالیون 20% – 30% 60% دستیاب نہیں 0.1% 5% – 10%* دستیاب نہیں Mostly Animists، Baha'is. See sources for various figures. [۴۹۰][۴۹۱][۴۹۲]
 سنگاپور 14.6% 14.9% 60% 4% 1%* 13% بشمول Sikhs، یہودی، Zoroastrians & Jains. [۴۹۳][۴۹۴]
 سلوواکیہ 56% – 83.8% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%* 15.8% Mostly یہودی، Baha'is and Sikhs [۳۴][۴۹۵][۴۹۶]
 سلووینیا 50% – 65% 2.4% 0.06% 0.01% 0.03%* 25% – 35% یہودی، others. [۳۴][۴۹۷][۴۹۸]
 جزائر سلیمان 97.1% 0.07% 0.03% دستیاب نہیں 2.3%* 0.5% Mostly Baha'is. [۴۹۹][۵۰۰]
 صومالیہ 0.1% 99.9% 0% 0% 0% 0% [۵۰۱][۵۰۲]
 جنوبی افریقہ 79.7% 1.5% 0.1% 1.2% 3%* 1%[۷۳][۵۰۳] Indigenous beliefs، یہودی، Sikhs، Baha'is. [۵۰۴][۵۰۵]
 ہسپانیہ 60% – 76% 2.3%[۵۰۶] 0.025% 0.025% 5%* 19–41%[۲۱۰] یہودی 0.12%، Baha'is، Sikhs etc... Read here for more details. About 76% of Spaniards self-identify as Catholics، 5% other faith، and about 19% identify with no religion.[۵۰۷] [۳۴][۵۰۸][۵۰۹]
 سری لنکا 8% 7% 70% 15% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں [۵۱۰][۵۱۱]
 سوڈان 5% 70% 0% 0% 25%* دستیاب نہیں Indigenous beliefs. [۵۱۲]
 سرینام 40% – 48% 13.5% – 19.6% 1% – 1.5% (Chinese) 20% – 27.4% 3.3% – 5%* 4.4% Animists mostly، Baha'is. [۵۱۳][۵۱۴][۵۱۵]
 سوازی لینڈ 85% – 95% 1% – 10% 0% 0.2% 2.8%* 1% Baha'is، یہودی. [۵۱۶][۵۱۷]
 سویڈن 60% – 70% 3%[۵۱۸] 0.2% 0.08% – 0.12% 0.3% 30 – 33% At the end of 2008، 72،9% of Swedes belonged to the Church of سویڈن (Lutheran)، this number has been decreasing by about 1% on a yearly basis for the last two decades. Church of سویڈن services are sparsely attended (hovering in the single digit percentages of the population).[۵۱۹] [۳۴][۵۲۰][۵۲۱]
 سوئٹزرلینڈ 43% – 79.3% 4.3% 0.29% 0.38% 0.33%* 15.4% (unspecified 4.3%، Atheist 11.1%) یہودی، Baha'is، Sikhs etc. [۳۴][۵۲۲][۵۲۳][۵۲۴]
 شام 10% 90%* 0% 0% یہودی & یزیدی دستیاب نہیں Sunni Muslims 74%، Alawis 12%، دروز 3% & others. [۵۲۵][۵۲۶][۵۲۷]

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (T-Z)

مذاہب بلحاظ ملک 2007 (T-Z)
ملک یا علاقہ عیسائی مسلمان بدھ ہندو دیگر غیر مذہبی ملاحظات حوالہ جات اور ماخذ
 تائیوان 4.5% 0.3% 93%* (35% registered) دستیاب نہیں 2.2% دستیاب نہیں [۵۲۸][۵۲۹][۵۳۰]
 تاجکستان 2.5% 90% – 97% 0.1% unknown 0.3%* 0.1% [۵۳۱][۵۳۲][۵۳۳]
 تنزانیہ 30% – 40% 30% – 40% 0.1% 0.9% 18.5% – 38.5% * 0.5% [۵۳۴][۵۳۵][۵۳۶][۵۳۷]
 تھائی لینڈ 0.7% 4% 95% 0.0045% 0.1%* دستیاب نہیں [۵۳۸][۵۳۹]
 ٹوگو 29% – 47.1% 13.7% – 20% 0% 0% 33% – 51%* 5% – 6.1% [۵۴۰][۵۴۱][۵۴۲]
 ٹوکیلاؤ 95% 0% 0% 0% 5%* دستیاب نہیں بہائی 4.5 % [۵۴۳]
 ٹونگا 83% 14%* [۵۴۴]
 ٹرینیڈاڈ و ٹوباگو 57.6% 5.8% 0.7% 22.5% 10.1%* 3.3% (Atheists 1.9%) [۵۴۵][۵۴۶][۵۴۷][۵۴۸]
 تونس 1% 98% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 1%* دستیاب نہیں [۵۴۹][۵۵۰]
 ترکی 0.16% 99% – 99.8% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 0.06%* (0.04% یہودی، 0.02% Baha'is) دستیاب نہیں [۵۵۱] but the non-Muslim population declined in the early 2000s. [۵۵۲][۵۵۳][۵۵۴][۵۵۵]
 ترکمانستان 9% (راسخُ الا عتقاد کلیسا) 89% % % 0.3%* 1.7% [۵۵۶][۵۵۷]
 جزائر کیکس و ترکیہ 86% 0.5% 1.5% 2% 4%* 6% [۵۵۸][۵۵۹]
 تووالو 97% دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں دستیاب نہیں 3%* دستیاب نہیں [۵۶۰]
 یوگنڈا 83.9% – 85% 12.1% دستیاب نہیں 0.8%[۵۶۱] 1.2% – 2.3%* 0.9% Baha'is، یہودی & Sikhs. [۵۶۲][۵۶۳]
 یوکرین 35% – 96.1%* 0.5% 0.1% 0.1% 2.5% (یہودی 0.6%) unknown [۵۶۴][۵۶۴][۵۶۵]
 متحدہ عرب امارات 8.5% 61.75% 4.25% 21.25% 4.25%* دستیاب نہیں [۵۶۶][۵۶۷]
 برطانیہ 71.6% 2.7% 1.2%[۲۲۸] 1% 8%* 15.5–52%[۲۱۰] [۵۶۸] [۳۴][۵۶۹][۵۷۰]
 ریاستہائے متحدہ امریکہ 78% 1% 2%[۲۲۸]
(0.7% registered)
0.4% یہودی 2.5% (1% registered، cultural 1.5%); others 1%* 15.1% [۵۷۱] (Read here for more details)
 امریکی جزائر ورجن 93% % % % 5%* 2% [۵۷۲][۵۷۳]
 یوراگوئے 70% – 83% 0.01% 0.1% 0.01% 0.88%* 17% [۵۷۴][۵۷۵]
 ازبکستان 7% – 11% 80% – 88% 0.2% 0.01% 0.09%* 0.7% – 1.7% [۵۷۶][۵۷۷]
 وانواتو 83% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 14.4%* 2.3% [۵۷۸][۵۷۹]
 ویٹیکن سٹی 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% [۵۸۰][۵۸۱]
 وینزویلا 98% 0.4% 0.2% دستیاب نہیں 0.9%* 0.5% [۵۸۲][۵۸۳][۵۸۴]
 ویتنام 8% 0.08% 85%
(16% registered)
0.06% 5.66% (Cao Đài 3%، Tribal religions 2.5%، Baha'i 0.1%، new religions). 1.2% [۵۸۵][۵۸۶][۵۸۷][۵۸۸]
 والس و فتونہ 99% 0% 0% 0% دستیاب نہیں 1% [۵۸۹]
 مغربی صحارا 0.1% 99.9% 0% 0% 0% 0% [۵۹۰][۵۹۱]
 یمن 0.2% 99% 0% 0.7% 0.01%* 0.019% [۵۹۲][۵۹۳]
 زیمبیا 87% 0.7% 0% 0.3% 7%* 5% [۵۹۴]
 زنجبار 1% 99% 0% 0% 0% 0% [۵۳۵][۵۳۷]
 زمبابوے 70% – 80% 1% 0.1% 0.1% 17.7% – 27.7%* 1.1% [۵۹۵][۵۹۶]

ہور ویکھو



  1. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  3. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
  4. ۴.۰ ۴.۱ ۴.۲ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  5. ۵.۰ ۵.۱ [۱] Archived 2008-04-07 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  6. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  7. Nazarene World Mission Society; (major source: Johnstone's Operation World)
  8. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  9. http://www.tایرانacity.com/shqiperia/pozita-gjeografike-mainmenu-147/486-besimet-fetare.html
  10. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  15. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  18. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
  19. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  20. http://gov.ai/statistics/census/Demography%20اور%20Culture%20tables.htm
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  24. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  27. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
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  29. ۲۹.۰ ۲۹.۱ ۲۹.۲ ۲۹.۳ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  33. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  34. ۳۴.۰۰ ۳۴.۰۱ ۳۴.۰۲ ۳۴.۰۳ ۳۴.۰۴ ۳۴.۰۵ ۳۴.۰۶ ۳۴.۰۷ ۳۴.۰۸ ۳۴.۰۹ ۳۴.۱۰ ۳۴.۱۱ ۳۴.۱۲ ۳۴.۱۳ ۳۴.۱۴ ۳۴.۱۵ ۳۴.۱۶ ۳۴.۱۷ ۳۴.۱۸ ۳۴.۱۹ ۳۴.۲۰ ۳۴.۲۱ ۳۴.۲۲ ۳۴.۲۳ ۳۴.۲۴ ۳۴.۲۵ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  37. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  38. [۲] Archived 2016-03-08 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  39. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  43. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  45. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  46. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  47. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  48. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  49. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  51. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  53. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  54. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
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  57. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
  58. ۵۸.۰ ۵۸.۱ Zuckerman، Phil. "Atheism: Contemporary Rates اور Patterns "، chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism، ed. by Michael Martin، Cambridge University Press: Cambridge، UK (2005)
  59. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  65. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
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  68. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
  69. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  71. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  72. According to a 2004 survey commissioned by the BBC، Hiorth (2001) Inglehart et al (2004، 1998)، Barrett et al (2001)، the 1999 Gallup International Poll، اور Johnstone (1993)، less than 1% of those in بوٹسوانا are atheist، agnostic، or nonreligious.
  73. ۷۳.۰ ۷۳.۱ ۷۳.۲ ۷۳.۳ ۷۳.۴ ۷۳.۵ ۷۳.۶ ۷۳.۷ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  76. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  77. http://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/populacao/censo2000/primeiros_resultados_amostra/brasil/pdf/tabela_1_1_2.pdf
  78. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  80. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  81. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
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  83. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value). سانچہ:Dead link
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  86. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  89. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  90. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  91. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  92. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  93. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  94. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  98. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  99. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  100. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  101. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  102. [۳] Archived 2007-12-03 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  103. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  104. [۴] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  105. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
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  111. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  112. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  113. [۵] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  114. "Survey finds 300m چین believers". BBC News. 7 February 2007. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6337627.stm. 
  115. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  116. ۱۱۶.۰ ۱۱۶.۱ ۱۱۶.۲ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  117. ۱۱۷.۰ ۱۱۷.۱ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  118. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  119. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  120. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  121. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  122. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  123. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  124. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  125. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  126. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  127. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  128. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  129. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  130. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  131. [۶] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  132. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  133. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  134. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  135. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  136. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  137. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  138. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  139. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  140. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  141. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  142. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  143. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  144. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  145. [۷] Archived 2008-04-07 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  146. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  147. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  148. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  149. [۸] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  150. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  151. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  152. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  153. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  154. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  155. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  156. [۹] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  157. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  158. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  159. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  160. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  161. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  162. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  163. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  164. [۱۰] Archived 2007-12-03 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  165. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  166. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  167. [۱۱] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  168. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  169. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  170. [۱۲] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  171. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  172. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  173. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  174. [۱۳] Archived 2008-10-02 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  175. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  176. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  177. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  178. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  179. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  180. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  181. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  182. [۱۴] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  183. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  184. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  185. According to Hiorth (2003)، Barret et al (2001)، the 1999 Gallup International Poll، and Inglehart et al (2004، 1998)، less than 1–2% of those in ایل سیلواڈور are atheist، agnostic، or nonreligious.
  186. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  187. [۱۵] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  188. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  189. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  190. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  191. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  192. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  193. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  194. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  195. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  196. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  197. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  198. [۱۶] Archived 2007-12-03 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  199. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  200. [۱۷] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  201. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  202. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  203. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  204. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  205. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  206. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  207. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  208. [۱۸] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  209. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  210. ۲۱۰.۰ ۲۱۰.۱ ۲۱۰.۲ ۲۱۰.۳ Religion Important for Americans، Italians Archived 2007-07-07 at the وے بیک مشین، Angus Reid Global Monitor، 30 دسمبر 2006
  211. آئی اےl.asp سانچہ:Dead link
  212. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  213. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  214. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  215. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  216. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  217. [۱۹] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  218. [۲۰] Archived 2007-12-03 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  219. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  220. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  221. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  222. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  223. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  224. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  225. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  226. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  227. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  228. ۲۲۸.۰ ۲۲۸.۱ ۲۲۸.۲ ۲۲۸.۳ ۲۲۸.۴ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  229. ۲۲۹.۰ ۲۲۹.۱ Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  230. According to a poll by Der Spiegel magazine، only 45% believe in God، and just a quarter in Jesus Christ.
  231. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  232. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  233. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  234. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  235. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  236. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  237. [۲۱] Archived 2008-04-07 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  238. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  239. [۲۲] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  240. [۲۳] Archived 2008-04-07 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  241. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  242. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  243. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  244. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  245. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  246. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  247. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  248. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  249. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  250. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  251. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  252. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  253. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  254. According to Hiorth (2003) and Johnstone (1993) less than 1% of those in ہیٹی are non-religious.
  255. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  256. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  257. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  258. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  259. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  260. According to a Religious Studies News "The majority of ہانگ کانگ citizens (about 58 percent) do not assoسی آئی اےte with any religious institutions
  261. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  262. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  263. [۲۴] Archived 2019-01-07 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  264. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  265. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  266. [۲۵] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  267. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  268. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  269. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  270. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  271. [۲۶]سانچہ:Dead link
  272. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  273. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  274. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  275. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  276. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  277. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  278. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  279. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  280. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  281. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  282. "Muslims in Europe: Country guide". BBC News. 23 دسمبر 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm#اطالیہ. Retrieved on
    ۲۲ مئی ۲۰۱۰. 
  283. According to Johnstone (1993) 3% of جمیکاns are nonreligious
  284. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  285. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  286. [۲۷] Archived 2009-02-21 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  287. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  288. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  289. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  290. Wolff، Michael. Where We Stand: Can America Make it in the Global Race for Wealth، Health، and Happiness? Bantam Books: New York (1992); pg. 205.
  291. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  292. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  293. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  294. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  295. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  296. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  297. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  298. [۲۸] Archived 2007-09-30 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  299. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  300. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  301. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  302. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  303. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  304. ۳۰۴.۰ ۳۰۴.۱ Eungi، Kim. 2003. “Religion in Contemporary Korea: Change and Continuity.” Korea Focus، جولائی–August، 133–146.
  305. [۲۹] Archived 2008-07-31 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  306. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  307. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  308. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  309. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  310. [۳۰] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  311. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  312. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  313. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  314. Inglehart et al (2004)، 20% of those in لٹویا do not believe in God
  315. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  316. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  317. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  318. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  319. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  320. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  321. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  322. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  323. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  324. [۳۱] Archived 2007-09-27 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  325. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  326. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  327. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  328. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  329. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  330. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  331. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  332. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  333. 1997 Britannica Book of the Year. Pg. 781–783.
  334. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  335. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  336. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  337. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  338. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  339. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  340. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  341. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  342. [۳۲] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  343. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  344. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  345. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  346. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  347. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  348. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  349. [۳۳] Archived 2009-01-16 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  350. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  351. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  352. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  353. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  354. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  355. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  356. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  357. [۳۴] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  358. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  359. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  360. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  361. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  362. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  363. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  364. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  365. [۳۵] Archived 2009-01-16 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  366. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  367. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  368. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  369. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  370. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  371. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  372. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  373. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  374. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  375. [۳۶] 2010 National Census
  376. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  377. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  378. [۳۷] Archived 2008-04-06 at the وے بیک مشینسانچہ:Dead link
  379. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  380. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  381. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  382. According to Johnstone (1993)، 5% of those in موزمبیق are nonreligious.
  383. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  384. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  385. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  386. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  387. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  388. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  389. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  390. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  391. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  392. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  393. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  394. Lua error in ماڈیول:Citation/CS1/ar at line 3438: attempt to call field 'set_selected_modules' (a nil value).
  395. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  396. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  397. آئی اے.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/nt.html#People سانچہ:Dead link
  398. [۳۸] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  399. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  400. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  401. نیوزی لینڈ Census (2006) The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  402. According to Hiorth (2003)، Barret et al (2001)، the 1999 Gallup International Poll، and Inglehart et al (2004، 1998)، less than 1–2% of those in نکاراگوا are atheist، agnostic، or nonreligious.
  403. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  404. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  405. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  406. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  415. [۳۹] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  428. [۴۰] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  430. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  431. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  432. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  433. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  434. According to Hiorth (2003)، Barret et al (2001)، the 1999 Gallup International Poll، and Inglehart et al (2004، 1998)، less than 1–2% of those in پیرو are atheist، agnostic، or nonreligious.
  435. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  436. [۴۱] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  437. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  445. [۴۲] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  448. [۴۳] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  450. [۴۴] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  451. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  455. Defendروسnہندوs.org سانچہ:Dead link
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  457. [۴۵]سانچہ:Dead link
  458. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  461. [۴۶] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  462. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  471. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  472. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  473. ۴۷۳.۰ ۴۷۳.۱ The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  474. "Pope meets Saudi king to discuss Christian worship in Muslim kingdom". Daily Mail (London). 6 November 2007. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-492052/Pope-meets-Saudi-king-discuss-Christian-worship-Muslim-kingdom.html. 
  475. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  476. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  477. Waldman, Amy (8 May 2005). "سری لنکاn Maids Pay Dearly for Perilous Jobs Overseas". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/08/international/asia/08maids.html?pagewanted=print. Retrieved on
    ۲۲ مئی ۲۰۱۰. 
  478. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  479. http://بھارتndiaspora.nic.in/diasporapdf/chapter4.pdf
  480. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  481. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  482. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  499. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  500. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  501. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  502. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  503. According to Inglehart et al (2004)، 1% of جنوبی افریقہns do not believe in God.
  504. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  505. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  506. "Muslims in Europe: Country guide". BBC News. 23 دسمبر 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm#ہسپانیہ. Retrieved on
    ۲۲ مئی ۲۰۱۰. 
  507. CIS last study on religion، 2005، question no. 35 The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
  508. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  517. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  518. "Muslims in Europe: Country guide". BBC News. 23 دسمبر 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm#سویڈن. Retrieved on
    ۲۲ مئی ۲۰۱۰. 
  519. Church of سویڈن، Members 1972–2006، Excel document in Swedish
  520. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  521. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  522. [۴۷]سانچہ:Dead link
  523. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
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  528. [۴۸]سانچہ:Dead link
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  543. [۴۹]سانچہ:Dead link
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  559. [۵۰] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  573. [۵۱] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  582. [۵۲] The time allocated for running scripts has expired.سانچہ:Dead link
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  595. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
  596. The time allocated for running scripts has expired.

سانچہ:لسٹاں بلحاظ دیس